chapter 32

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y/n pov

i was startled by him suddenly hugging me, i didnt hug back but i didnt push him away either. i just stood there. none of us said anything at all.

honestly, if he's feeling hurt because of sung hee, he deserves it.

but for some reason i didn't want to accept that its just her, he felt so empty.

a few moments later the school bell went out, but this ass was still not breaking the hug so i had to.

but when i did, it was so- awkward. a part of me wanted to ask if he's okay, but i didn't want to seem like i cared. which i dont.

"uhm.. i got class" i said and got out of there without even looking at him

"took you a while?" seungmin said as i went up to him waiting for me

"oh yeah i had to use the bathroom sorry"

"ah okay lets go"

i nodded and we went to our classes, before getting out of cafeteria i peeked my head to check the storage room and saw hyunjin getting out of there, i quickly turned back and continued walking.


school was almost over, when i was packing up for my last class a girl came up to me

"hey girl" she said, I moved my head to see who it was.

she was the girl who helped me with the hyunjin library rumour thing, i couldn't remember her name for some reason

"oh hey"

"how's it going?"


"any plans for today?"

"im sorry but what was your name?" i said scratching the back of my head

"its aera did you forget me?" she said pouting

"AHH RIGHT- no sorry im just bad with names ahah. also i think im free for today, why?"

"we could hang out if you want! dont worry ill pay my part this time" she said smiling

it felt so- weird but good? am i actually having friends? or maybe its something else and im just overthinking

"sure where do you wanna go?"

"we could just decide that as we go, meet me by the xx park by 5 pm"

ah shit i got tutoring- sorry seungmin

"sure ill see you there" i said as i started walking to my last class

"so what class do you have now?" she said as she catched up and started walking with me. from what i know she has alot of friends, i dont really see a reason for her to hang out with me but I didn't hate it either.

"history, you?"

"i got literature, dont get me wrong i love books but the stuff our school teaches us suck"

despair - h.hyunjin ★Where stories live. Discover now