Catherine's Sixteenth Birthday

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It was the night of Princess Catherine's sixteenth birthday; the official start of the selection and everyone was getting the palace ready. Baron Williamson and Matthew were talking about the baron's evil plan "What are you going to do first, my lord?" asked Matthew "Well I thought that the first step of my plan is to get to know the princess herself," answered Baron Williamson" And what about the king?" asked Matthew "Well you know that if the princess doesn't choose who she wants to marry she must marry the man of her father's choosing. During tonight's ball I'll convince the king that I am his only choice of husband for his daughter," answered Baron Williamson "I see," said Matthew.

In her bedchamber Lady Preston was helping Catherine get ready for the ball "I cannot believe you're sixteen now. The years have flown by. And you've grown from a beautiful baby to a beautiful young lady," said Lady Preston. She noticed that Catherine was deep in thought and asked her "You're thinking about that boy you met last night aren't you?" "I do hope I see him again tonight," answered Catherine. Lady Preston picked up on Catherine's laced fans and asked Catherine "May I suggest something?" whilst holding the fan open in front of her face and below her eyes "Why are you telling me that "you're shy but willing"?" asked Catherine "Don't you see? Use one of your fans to communicate with someone. Hopefully with the mysterious man you told me about last night," answered Lady Preston. Catherine smiled at Lady Preston and said to her"What a genius idea. I hope it works," "I've heard that most of the attendees for this selection can understand fan language," said Lady Preston "Everyone but Baron Williamson. Every time when I draw my fan through my hand telling him that I hate him he thinks that I'm saying "I like you"," said Catherine "Yes he was poorly taught how to understand fan language since he was a little boy," said Lady Preston "Anyways this is going to be one those nights to remember," said Catherine.

The ballroom was once again filled with royals and nobles "Announcing the arrival of His Majesty, King Edward. And her Majesty, Queen Mary," announced the Herald. Everyone bowed before the King and Queen as they made their way down the grand staircase towards their thrones. "Your majesties, may I have your permission to have a quick audience with you?" asked Matthew "Your permission is granted," answered King Edward "I was wondering if you two have an idea in mind of who are you going to choose for your daughter?" asked Matthew "We haven't chosen anyone yet," answered Queen Mary "May I suggest my lord and master Baron Williamson for your daughter. He has done so much good in his life. For example he took me in when no one else wouldn't," lied Matthew "Has he now?" asked King Edward "Oh yes he has. He has done charity work on the east end of London," lied Matthew "Oh darling, Baron Williamson sounds like a good choice for our daughter. He would make our daughter very happy," said Queen Mary as she turned to look at her husband "Very well then. Tell your master that we are currently thinking about our choices. And he might be our number one choice," said King Edward "Thank you, your majesties," said Matthew as he bows before his King and Queen. "What did they say?" asked Baron Williamson "They're thinking about their choices as we speak," answered Matthew "You've done your part of the night very well. Now I must do my part," said Baron Williamson. Half an hour later the trumpets blew "Announcing her royal highness, Princess Catherine," announced the Herald. The red velvet curtains part and out stepped was Princess Catherine, wearing a light satin green off-shoulder dress trimmed with silver lace. Everyone turned and watched the princess make her way down the grand staircase, except Prince Soma as he was standing at the very end of the ballroom. The other guests blocked his view of the princess; Soma never got a good look at the princess herself. As the ball began Catherine had already danced with half of the guests, Catherine made eye contact with Baron Williamson who was standing on the other side of the room. He mouthed, "Would you like to dance with me?" Catherine took her white-laced fan and draw it through her hand telling him "No" but the Baron thought that she said"Yes" and made his way across the room towards Catherine. The orchestra began to play Johann Strauss II's Sinngedichte, Op. 1 as Baron Williamson led Catherine to the centre of the ballroom. Not only he doesn't understand fan language very well but also he wasn't a really good dancer. About three minutes in King Edward tapped Baron Williamson on the shoulder and asked, "May I cut in?" "Of course, your majesty," answered Baron Williamson as he bowed before the King and the Princess before leaving, the King danced with his daughter for the remaining duration of the music "Your timing is impeccable, father," said Catherine "A father should dance with his daughter on her sixteenth birthday," said King Edward"What do you think of Baron Williamson, daughter?" asked King Edward "I don't know why he keeps coming to these selections," answered Catherine "It's because he's ready to settle down," answered King Edward "Yes but he only cares about himself," said Catherine "Then maybe during this selection you could change him," said King Edward. Catherine looked at Baron Williamson who was now talking to the Prince of Russia and thought to herself "Some people don't change for the better." As the music stopped Lady Preston went over to Princess Catherine and King Edward and turned towards the princess and said, "There's a Prince that I must introduce you to." "How many princes and noblemen are there left now?" asked Catherine as they walked away from King Edward "There's one prince left and there are no more noblemen left now. You've met them all," answered Lady Preston as they walked towards a prince.

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