Compassionate Nursing

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A month into the selection and the king, the queen and princess Catherine has gotten to know their guests really well. Baron Williamson tried every spare moment of his time trying to spend some time with the princess but she's always away in her secret garden meeting Soma in secret. Since the day they first met they grew to become close friends.

One morning Catherine woke up feeling drained as if life had slipped out of her overnight. "Good morning, your highness," said Lady Preston as she entered Catherine's bedchamber carrying her breakfast on a tray and setting it on a nearby table. Catherine began coughing and sneezing quite violently "Are you alright?" asked Lady Preston "I'm fine really," answered Catherine as she got out of bed. "You don't sound like you are. Let me have a look at you," said Lady Preston, as she looked concerned "You look extremely pale. You have no color in your cheeks. You seemed to be coughing and sneezing violently. And your nose is red and sore looking. I think you might have a cold, your highness," said Lady Preston"I said I'm fine!" said Catherine insistently. As Catherine ate her breakfast a note slid under her bedchamber door. Lady Preston picked up the note and brought it over to Catherine. Catherine read the note:

"My master has very kindly given me the rest of the day off. Please join me for a picnic lunch at one o'clock in your garden this afternoon.

"Kalpen has invited me to join him for a picnic this afternoon. I must accept his invitation," said Catherine "I think you shouldn't, your highness. You're not to fit venture out in your current state," said Lady Preston "But I must. He's my friend. And friends shouldn't disappoint friends," said Catherine "If that's what you feel, then I can't argue with you on that. Fine, go and have this picnic with Kalpen. But if start to take a turn come straight back here and get some rest for a while. I'll help you dress," said Lady Preston.

Catherine arrived at her secret garden wearing a white lace-trimmed,off-shoulder yellow floral dress. When she entered her garden she saw Soma standing beside a well-assembled picnic with grated cheese mixed with cream and chopped nuts, cucumber with mint and watercress and butter sandwiches, jelly tarts, gingerbread, and shortbread biscuits and lemonade. Catherine looked at a silver dish warmer containing something hot "How are you today, Catherine?" asked Soma "I'm fine. But a little run down if I'm honest with you. But you shouldn't worry about that," answered Catherine "I'm glad to hear that," said Soma "What's in that dish warmer?" asked Catherine, Soma looked at the dish warmer and answered "What? Oh that, I've cooked us something special from my home country for you to try," "I'm intrigued to find out what it is," said Catherine"I hope you like it," said Soma "I hope so too," said Catherine. Soma and Catherine sat beside one another on a picnic blanket, Soma lifted the dish warmer lid and the smell of sweet Indian spices filled the air and into Catherine's nose "What is that delicious smell?" asked Catherine "It's chicken curry and daal. I helped the kitchen staff make this not long after I finish tending to my master. Want to have a taste?" asked Soma, Catherine nodded and Soma dished out the curry into a bowl and handed it over to Catherine. Catherine took a bite out of the curry and smiled"This tasted delicious," said Catherine "I thought you'd like it," said Soma. Two hours have past and Catherine helped Soma clear the picnic "There are so many rooms in your palace. Are there any secret passageways?" asked Soma "There is one I can tell you about," said Catherine as they left the garden, Catherine pointed at a brick wall next to one of the windows of the ballroom "You see that brick wall next to that window on the far right with a stone torch?" asked Catherine "Yes, I can see that wall," answered Soma "That stone torch opens up a passageway, leading to a winding stairway. There's another stone torch with gold rings on it and that bit of wall leads me or anyone who knows that secret passageway to my bedchamber. All you have to do is turn the torch slightly to the left and you'll gain entry. Both walls will automatically close behind you as soon as you've entered," explained Catherine. Suddenly Catherine began coughing and sneezing violently and then collapsed unconscious in front of Soma "Your highness, what's wrong?" asked Soma but Catherine didn't respond. Soma placed his hand on Catherine's forehead "You're burning up. I must get you to bed," said Soma. Soma carried Catherine in his arms and carried her to her bedchamber.

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