The Night Before The Selection Ball

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It's the final month of the selection and that very afternoon Catherine was sitting on the window still in her bedchamber doing her embroidery and looking out of the window watching Soma and Kalpen walking and talking with her mother and father in the gardens. Lady Preston entered Catherine's bedchamber and the first thing she noticed was that Catherine was looking out of the window and smiling. "I know that smile anywhere," said Lady Preston "Do you really?" asked Catherine "Yes I do. It's the smile that shows that there's someone in your heart," answered Lady Preston "I guess you're right. There is someone in my heart. I have been having this feeling since the ballet last month," said Catherine "I guess your heart has chosen a husband for you," said Lady Preston "Come overhear and I'll whisper to you who is my intended husband," said Catherine. Lady Preston walked over towards Catherine, leaned forward and Catherine whispered into her ear "Are you sure?" asked Lady Preston "Yes, I am sure. However I am in love with his manservant," answered Catherine"I knew it!" exclaimed Lady Preston "Knew what?" asked Catherine "That there's something going on with you lately. You've been acting strange lately. Sneaking off somewhere to meet with him. And I'm guessing you'll be sneaking off again tonight," said Lady Preston as she handed Catherine a note addressed to her. The note read:

"Please join me in your secret garden tonight for a night of stargazing. I have something to tell you."


"He has something to tell me," said Catherine "What do you think it'll be?" asked Lady Preston "I'm not sure. But there's only one way to find out," said Catherine. After having dinner with her mother and father, Catherine left for her secret garden. Within minutes Catherine was standing in front of the wooden door of her secret garden readying herself to enter. As soon as she entered her garden Catherine saw Soma standing by a blanket he already placed on the grass "I didn't want you to get your dress dirty. So I thought I'd bring this blanket that we used during our first picnic together," said Soma "I remember. I was ill with a cold. But thanks to you, you helped me recover fully and fast," said Catherine as Soma lead her to the blanket. Catherine looked at something she had never seen before and asked, "What is that?" "It's my sitar," answered Soma "What is a sitar?" asked Catherine "A sitar is a musical stringed instrument. The music it makes is very beautiful. Would you like me to play you something?" asked Soma "Yes please," answered Catherine. Soma sat on the blanket, picked up his sitar, and played the most beautiful song Catherine has ever heard "That was very beautiful," said Catherine "Thank you. My father taught me to play this beautiful musical instrument. And I learned to play many songs," said Soma. Catherine lay down next to Soma and looked at every star and constellation. Soma turned his head, looked at Catherine, and asked her "You do know what tomorrow is, right?" Catherine turned her head and looked at Soma "Oh, the Selection Ball. How could I ever forget that," answered Catherine as turned to look up at the night sky again. Two stars were shining bright in the night sky "Look at those two stars," said Soma as he pointed at the night sky, Catherine looked in the direction of where Soma was pointing "I see them," said Catherine"Those two stars are called the Lovers Stars," said Soma "What are the "Lovers Stars"?" asked Catherine "My mother and father once told me about these stars. Legend has it that when the lover's stars appear in the night sky somewhere in the world someone is professing their love to someone," explained Soma "Whoever is professing their love to I hope that person is very lucky," said Catherine. Soma sat up and grunted and groaned "What's wrong, Kalpen?" asked Catherine "I can't deny myself any longer," answered Soma "What do you mean? I don't understand you," said Catherine "I've written a poem which I hope will help you understand what I really want to say," explained Soma"Let's hear it then," said Catherine.

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