The Selection Ball

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It was the day of the Selection Ball and everyone in the palace was busying themselves with getting the palace ready for the ball. That morning Catherine woke up and found that Soma was still fast asleep next to her in her bed. She smiled as Soma started to wake up "Good morning, Kalpen," said Catherine "Good morning, my darling princess. Did you sleep well?" asked Soma "Yes. Because you were by my side. Did you sleep well, Kalpen?" asked Catherine "I did. But the best of waking up was seeing your beautiful smiling face," answered Soma "Come here, Kalpen," said Catherine as she pulled Soma and kissed him "Your highness...someone might see us!" said Soma "Don't worry. No one will see us," said Catherine. They heard a knock on the door "Quickly!" said Catherine and Soma quickly got out of bed. However the door opened and in came was Lady Preston "Good morning, your highness. How did you...?" Lady Preston was surprised to see Soma in Catherine's bedchamber, she glanced both at Catherine and Soma "What are you doing here, Kalpen?" asked Lady Preston "I was asked by my master to keep watch over the princess last night," lied Kalpen "Oh I see," said Lady Preston "I must return to my master," said Soma as headed out through the door. "You better explain yourself before you eat your breakfast, Catherine," said Lady Preston "OK. Kalpen and I have been seeing each other in secret. And last night he confessed his love for me to me. I guess you can say we both fell in love with each other. And the reason why he was here is that he wanted to spend some time with me. And nothing of the sort happened," explained Catherine. Lady Preston gasped with delight and exclaimed, "I knew it!" "Knew what?" asked Catherine "I knew there was something going on between you and him. I'm so happy for you!" answered Lady Preston "I've never been so happy in my entire life. But we both know that I have to marry the man I choose tonight," said Catherine "I know, your highness. Maybe you'll love the man you choose just as much as you love Kalpen," said Lady Preston "If only I could," said Catherine.

I finally told her!" exclaimed Soma "You told her who you really are?" asked Kalpen "No. I told her that I love her. And she told me that she loves me in return," answered Soma "Congratulations to you, your highness. I hope we'll soon be hearing wedding bells," said Kalpen "I don't know about that," said Soma "Whatever do you mean?" asked Kalpen "What I mean is that I do plan on telling her the truth tonight. And I do hope we'll both explain to the king and queen. If not, Catherine will have to marry someone else," answered Soma "I do wish you good luck," said Kalpen "Thanks. I'm going to need all the luck I can get," said Soma. Kalpen left Soma in the guest chamber for the ball. What they didn't know was that Baron Williamson was hidden quietly on the balcony. With Soma all alone in the guest chamber he snuck in quietly through the door, and whilst Soma was preparing to attend the ball the baron snuck up behind him and grabbed hold of Soma "Your luck has run out," said Baron Williams. Soma tried to speak but his mouth was covered by Baron Williamson's hand "I know who you really are and what you have been up to since you and your manservant arrived. That's right my manservant heard everything the other night and told me last night," said Baron Williamson.

"Announcing their royal majesties: King Edward and Queen Mary," announced the Herald.Everyone turned towards the king and queen and bowed to them. "Announcing her royal highness: Princess Catherine," announced the Herald. Everyone turned to look at the princess who was standing on top of a grand staircase wearing a gold sating off-shoulder silk ball gown, trimmed with red ruffles around the hem of the skirt, red lace around the neckline, and decorative red roses. As she stood there she moved her eyes around the ballroom, frantically looking for some but he was nowhere to be seen. Kalpen looked over his shoulder to see if Soma was standing behind him, but he wasn't anywhere near Kalpen. As Catherine descended the stairs, the Herald announced "Your majesties, your royal highness, my lords, ladies, gentlemen, and disguised guests: the princess shall now choose her partner for the first dance. Let our ball commence!" As Catherine made her way to the center of the ballroom Kalpen made his way through the crowd, bowed to Catherine asked her "May I have this dance?" "Of course, you may," answered Catherine. The orchestra began to play Johann Strauss's Frohsinns-Spenden, Op. 73 as Kalpen leads Catherine around the center of the ballroom. As the orchestra reached the climactic conclusion the guests applauded and Kalpen and Catherine bowed and curtsied "You're a wonderful dancer," said Catherine "You're a wonderful dancer too," said Kalpen. Hours later Catherine danced with every guest and her brothers and sisters. When she started dancing with her father the orchestra played Johann Strauss's Nachtfalter, Op.157. Just as the orchestra concluded king Edward said "It's time, Catherine," and Catherine took a deep breath and said, "It's time." "His majesty, the King!" announced the Herald, Edward stood in front of his throne and said "On behalf of myself, the queen, and our family we thank you all for attending the selection. It is now time for our daughter to announce who she has selected to be her husband." As Catherine stood in the same spot where her father was standing and took a deep breath, Edward sat on the thrown "During this selection I had the privilege of getting to know all of you. You all proved yourselves worthy of being my husband. But there can only be one man who is worthy of becoming my husband. This man is kind, compassionate, and cares about others. That man I've selected to be my husband is...Prince..." as Catherine was about to announce the name of her chosen husband the doors of the ballroom burst open. Everyone turned to look at the door and standing there was Baron Williamson holding in his right hand Soma, trying to break free from Baron Williamson's tight grip.Baron Williamson pointed at Kalpen and shouted "Guards! Seize that man." "What is the meaning of this?" asked Mary "Explain yourself, Baron Williamson," ordered Edward as the guards grabbed hold of Kalpen and dragged him in front of the king and queen. Baron Williamson walked toward them, dragging Soma along "Your majesties. These two have been deceiving you all this time. This man here is the real Prince Soma. And that man there is Soma's real manservant, Kalpen," said Barron Williamson "Are you sure?" asked Mary "Check their foreheads. One of them wears a decorative gold bindi," answered Baron Williamson. Edward stood in front of Kalpen, looked at his forehead, and saw no bindi. But as soon as he stood in front of Soma he lifted Soma's fringe and saw a decorative gold bindi. Catherine was shocked by what she has just witnessed but felt that she didn't care about the fact that the man in front of her who she thought was just a manservant, was a prince all this time, but cared about who he really is as a person. "Also my servant, Matthew has told me that he heard that they've been plotting to kill his majesty," said Baron Williamson "Is this true?" asked Edward when he looked at Matthew standing next to Baron Williamson "It is true. I heard everything a few nights ago," lied Matthew. Both Soma and Kalpen were shocked to hear those words but neither of them spoke to protest themselves "What are your orders, your majesty?" asked one of the guards "Take them to the Tower where they'll spend the rest of their lives there," said Edward. The guards dragged Soma and Kalpen out of the ballroom and took them to the Tower of London. "In light of the recent circumstances I have an announcement to make," said Edward, Catherine turned to face her father with an expressionless look on her face, and the palace servants handed each and everyone a glass of champagne "My wife and I have selected a husband for our daughter. Our daughter will marry...Baron Williamson. From this evening the wedding will take place in ten days. To Baron Williamson and Princess Catherine," announced Edward. Everyone raised their glasses as Baron Williamson stood next to Catherine and placed an emerald green encrusted diamond engagement ring on her finger. With a crushing look on her face, Catherine ran out of the ballroom, her father was calling after her "Catherine! You come back here this instant!" but Catherine disobeyed her father "We'll go after her," said Mary as she and Lady Preston left the ballroom. As soon as Catherine entered her bedchamber she looked at her engagement ring and began to cry.

Moments later Mary and Lady Preston entered Catherine's bedchamber and found her lying on her bed crying. "Oh my dear, Catherine. You should be happy. You're marrying Baron Williamson," said Mary "But I don't love him, mother," said Catherine "You never know, dear. After you marry him you'll learn to love him," said Mary "No mother, you don't understand," said Catherine "What do you mean by that?" asked Mary "That man who I thought his name was Kalpen, we've been seeing each other a lot. And we eventually fell in love with each other," answered Catherine "Is this true?" asked Mary "It is true, your majesty. Her highness told me herself this morning," answered Lady Preston"What do you mean?" asked Mary "I saw Soma leaving her highnesses bedchamber. And she told me," answered Lady Preston "Is what Lady Preston saying true?" asked Mary "What my friend said is true," answered Catherine. Mary feeling heartbroken by her daughter's answer, hugged her and said "Oh my dear. I am so sorry. I didn't realize you were already in love. Why didn't tell me?" "Because I thought you and father would be cross with me," answered Catherine "Oh Catherine, you know I would never be cross with you," said Mary "And now I'll never see my beloved Soma again. Get Out! Get Out! Get out!" bellowed Catherine, "I think we should leave her highness alone, your majesty," said Lady Preston. Queen Mary and Lady Preston left Catherine in her bedchamber crying. Catherine stayed confined in her room during the wedding preparations.

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