The Baron Exposed

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It was only one day till Catherine's wedding to Baron Williamson and everyone tried everything they can think of to convince Catherine to leave her bedchamber. But she wasn't having any of them. She remained in her room for her wedding dress fittings, choosing the flowers and the food for the reception. That night Catherine wasn't alone in her bedchamber; Lady Preston was with her sitting in a chair doing her embroidery. Catherine was sitting by the window looking and feeling sad "Cheer up, your highness," said Lady Preston"How can I? Once I marry Baron Williamson tomorrow I'll never see my beloved Prince Soma again," said Catherine. Lady Preston got up onto her feet and walked towards Catherine "Come with me," said Lady Preston as she held out her hand "Where are we going?" asked Catherine"I've got an idea. Let's go," answered Lady Preston as she guides Catherine out of her bedchamber.

As they made their way down a narrow staircase Catherine heard the sound of water dripping through the ceiling in the distance, flames from the torches flickering and rats scurrying around "What are we doing down here?" asked Catherine "You'll see," answered Lady Preston. As they made their way towards a tall iron-barred gate a guard on the other side quickly got up and said, "Halt! State your names and business!" "Lady Preston and Princess Catherine. Here to see a couple of prisoners," said Lady Preston "Forgive me, your highness, my lady. I didn't recognize you. Right this way," said the guard and he unlocked the gate to let them through. Catherine stepped through followed by Lady Preston and they turned a corner. Soma was sitting against the wall in a prison cell with Kalpen standing next to him, Soma looked up and saw Catherine walking towards his cell and hurriedly got up to his feet "Catherine!" called Soma, Catherine hurried down towards Soma "Kal—I mean Soma!" cried Catherine as she fed her hands through the bars to allow Soma to hold hands with her "You're here. We're finally reunited at last," said Soma "If it weren't for these bars we'd be kissing each other right now," said Catherine "You don't know how much my heart yearns for us to be together," said Soma "I know just how you feel. But..." Catherine face fell sombre as looked away fromSoma "But...what?" asked Soma, Catherine looked at Soma with tears in her eyes "But once I marry the baron tomorrow, I won't be allowed to see you again," answered Catherine "What do you mean? Why aren't you being allowed to see me again?" asked Soma "The day after the selection ball the baron visited me in my bedchamber and told me that I'm not to leave his sight even for a single moment. Meaning he doesn't want me to see you again," answered Catherine as she began to cry, "Don't cry, my sweet love. We can find a way to see each other again," said Soma"I'm afraid that can't happen. Baron Williamson has already ordered for the letters I write and letters I'm going to receive to be checked to make sure they're not for you and from you," explained Catherine "Then there's no hope for us. But promise me that every time you look at the ring I gave you, you'll remember me and our love?" asked Soma "I promise. But take this as well and promise the same thing as you made me promise," answered Catherine as she handed a white laced handkerchief with the letters 'C' and 'S' embroidered in a corner "I shall hold this against my heart everyday," said Soma "Your highness, it's time for us to leave," said Lady Preston "I'll never forget you, my kind handsome Prince," said Catherine "I'll never forget you too, my sweet beautiful princess," said Soma as he kissed the back of Catherine's hands "Goodbye, my love," said Catherine. Soma's heart ached as he heard Catherine's cries fading into the distance "It breaks my heart to hear the love of my life cry," said Soma "I can't bear to keep it any longer!" grunted Kalpen "What do you mean?" asked Soma "Your highness, I have something to tell. Something very important," answered "What is it you want to tell me?" asked Soma, Kalpen took a very deep breath and said "The other night I heard Baron Williamson and Matthew talking," "About what?" asked Soma "The reason why Baron Williamson is here is that he plans to marry your princess and murder her father tomorrow night so that he can become king. That's why he falsely accused us of plotting to kill the king so that you're out of the way," answered Kalpen "Oh my lord! We have to tell someone!" exclaimed Soma "But how? How will we escape this cell?" asked Kalpen "As far as I know the palace is full of hidden secret passageways. This place is not just a fortress; it's also a palace. So there must a hidden passageway somewhere," answered Soma. Soma and Kalpen began searching their cell for a secret door by examining and feeling the walls and anything hanging. "Your highness, after Matthew left the baron I managed to hypnotize him. He'll be under our influence once the archbishop says 'let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.' He'll do whatever we tell him to do," said Kalpen "I don't know what I do without you, Kalpen," said Soma. Hours passed and morning came, Soma and Kalpen heard wedding bells ringing from St. Paul's Cathedral "We have to hurry. The wedding is only a few short hours away," said Soma as they began to search hurriedly.

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