The Princess & Her Chosen Prince

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"Announcing the royal engagement of Princess Catherine and Prince Soma of Bengal!" announced the Herald as Catherine and Soma stood atop of the grand ballroom staircase, arm in arm and smiling at each other. At the bottom of the stairs stood Catherine's parents and Soma's parents. As soon as Catherine and Soma reached the bottom of the stairs Edward addressed the guests "As of this moment my daughter will marry Prince Soma in five days at eleven o'clock in the morning at St. Paul's Cathedral." Catherine hugged her mother and father as Soma spoke with his mother and father "Kalpen told us everything that's been going on with you," said Aarush "Did he now?" asked Soma "Yes. And from what we witnessed earlier today we couldn't be more proud of you," said Estaa "Thank you mother, father," said Soma as he hugged both his parents. "Welcome to the family, Catherine," said Aarush as he hugged Catherine "You've made our son very happy," said Estaa "Thank you. Both your son and I know that we're going to be very happy," said Catherine "You've made our daughter very happy. My wife and I welcome you to our family, son," said Edward "You and Catherine truly love each other," said Mary "We do. We both know that we'll be very happy for eternity. And don't you two worry, I will treat your daughter like a goddess," said Soma reassuringly "Then you have our blessing," said Edward.

Soma took hold of Catherine's hand and escorted her to the dance floor. The orchestra began playing Liebeslieder Waltz Op. 114 by Johann Strauss II. They smiled at each other lovingly as everyone watched them dance with awe. As the music came to its close Catherine curtsied and Soma bowed as everyone applauded. As the orchestra began to play Hell und voll, Walzer, Op. 216 by Johann Strauss the guest began to dance. Edward danced with Catherine for a few minutes before Aarush cuts in and began dancing with Catherine, followed by Soma. "Come with me," said Soma and they waltz their way out of the ballroom and onto the terrace. As soon as they slowed down Catherine looked over Soma's shoulder and saw her brothers and sisters looking very sad "They look sad," said Catherine "Why don't we go and ask them what's wrong?" asked Soma as he offered his arm to Catherine "Yes, let's go and ask them," answered Catherine. They walked over to them; Catherine sat next to George, Albert, Alexander, Maud, Victoria, and Louise and asked them "Why are you all looking so gloomy tonight? Aren't you all enjoying the ball?" asked Catherine "We all are enjoying it," answered George "It's just that after you marry Soma, you'll forget about us," answered Louise. Catherine looked at Soma worriedly "Don't say that. Of course I won't forget all of you, Lady Preston, mother, and father. I'll never forget all of you. We'll still see each other. And have fun like we always do," said Catherine reassuringly "Yes but it won't be the same," said Albert "I know it won't be the same. But I'll still love you all. It'll just be a little different that's all," said Catherine "What your sister is trying to say is don't think that you're losing your sister but think of it as gaining a new brother," explained Soma "Do you two think so?" asked Maud "We do," answered Soma "Do you promise to take good care of our sister?" asked Alexander "I promise you all that I will take very good care of your sister. And you can call me either 'big brother' or 'big brother Soma'," answered Soma "You're going to be the best big brother we ever had, big brother Soma," said Victoria. Catherine and Soma chuckled at the thought of Soma being referred to as their big brother "Where are you and Soma going to live?" asked Louise "Well...your sister and I decided to spend one whole month in both here and India. That is until your sister succeeds your father and we'll mainly live here for months on end before visiting my family again," answered Soma. "Now if you'll excuse us, your sister and I have somewhere to go," said Soma and George, Albert, Alexander, Maud, Victoria, and Louise smiled and waved them goodbye.

Soma led Catherine down the garden towards the secret garden "What are we doing here? And why are we here?" asked Catherine "Let me put this on you," answered Soma as he tied a white blindfold around Catherine's eyes and led her into her secret garden "When I remove the blindfold please keep your eyes closed," said Soma "OK Soma," said Catherine as he removed the blindfold. Soma looked at the string quartet and signaled them to start playing the most romantic piece of music that anyone has ever heard "You can open your eyes now," said Soma. Catherine opened her eyes, gasped in a surprising way, and saw candles all over her garden "What's going on Soma?" asked Catherine. Soma held Catherine's hands and said, "I know that we're already engaged to be married. But I just don't feel like we are actually engaged," "I feel the same way as you do," said Catherine "So I wanted to do this properly," said Soma as he got down on one knee. He pulled out a small piece of parchment and began reading a poem:

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