Kindness, Caring & Charity

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Three months into the selection and it was time for Catherine to spend time with the guests in one day. Deciding on what she wanted to do with all of them wasn't an easy task "What about a dinner banquet?" asked Lady Preston"I've had enough of those banquets," answered Catherine "What about a lunch?" asked Lady Preston "No," answered Catherine"Horse riding?" asked Lady Preston "No," answered Catherine"A night at the theatre?" asked Lady Preston "I'm doing that in two months. Remember we're going to see the La Sylphide ballet?" answered Catherine "Oh yes, I remember now. Well what do you want to do with our guests?" asked Lady Preston "I'm not sure," answered "Well if you're not sure, then I'm not sure," said Lady Preston. Then an idea came into Catherine's head "I think I have an idea," said Catherine "What is your idea, your highness?" asked Lady Preston"My idea is we go into London and give the less fortunate money and food," answered Catherine "What a wonderful idea, your highness. Only a person like you who would be kind and caring to help those who are less fortunate," said Lady Preston "I know two other people who are kind and caring. And wouldn't hesitate to join us," said Catherine "Which two are you talking about?" asked Lady Preston "Prince Soma and Kalpen of course. It was very kind of Soma to teach us some remedies on how to treat colds when Kalpen fell ill with a cold last month. And Kalpen took care of me when I too had a cold last month as well," said Catherine "You and Kalpen have the same kind of soul. I'll make the arrangements right away," said Lady Preston.

"Her Royal Highness, the Princess Catherine

Request the pleasure of the company of

Prince Soma & Kalpen

To attend a one-day event

At nine o'clock on the Tenth of March, Eighteen Sixty-Five

To help the less fortunate


At nine o'clock on the morning of the tenth of March Prince Soma and Kalpen met up with Lady Preston and Princess Catherine in the palace courtyard. The courtyard was full of the other guests, carriages for each of them, and horse-drawn wagons filled with bags of food, money, and milk for the poor. Baron Williamson was not in attendance as he has already planned a breakfast with the king and queen. But he did hope that Catherine would join them "I am sorry that our daughter won't be joining us this morning," said king Edward "Is there a reason as to why your daughter is not joining us?" asked Baron Williamson "She's going out to London with the other guests to help the less fortunate. She has a kind, caring and charitable soul," answered queen Mary "I'd of thought that you'd be joining them this morning. Why aren't you going with them?" asked king Edward "I did receive an invitation but I declined the opportunity as I thought that I should spend more time with your majesties instead," answered Baron Williamson "Good thing that I didn't accept the invitation. The less fortunate have no sense of class. And doing something charitable is a waste of time," thought Barron Williamson.

"The princess and I would like you two to join us in our carriage," said Lady Preston, Soma and Kalpen looked at each other and said, "We would like that very much, your ladyship," "Good. Let's, not the princess waiting," said Lady Preston as they made their way to the princess's carriage. During their carriage rides, each and every one of the guests chatted and laughed at each other's jokes and had a wonderful time. As soon as they arrived in the east end of London Catherine addressed her guests:

"My friends, for years these poor people have to steal in order to survive. Many are dying of hunger every day because no one helped them. Today I ask each and every one of you to give the less fortunate food and money to help them survive another day and show them that you're kind and caring. And I hope that after today you would spend at least once a day, week, or month doing some good for others."

Everyone was moved by Catherine's speech that they grabbed a bag of food and money, disperse it into the east end of London, gave each and every one food, money, and milk for mothers to feed their babies, and talked to the less fortunate. Soma and Kalpen saw Catherine sitting and telling a story to a group of children about a princess and bear who found one another and took care of each other"Princess Catherine, do you think that princess and the bear lived happily ever after?" asked a little girl "I believe they did," answered Catherine "Do you think that one day I will have a happily ever after?" asked another little girl "I'm sure you will one day," answered Catherine "Do you think you'll get married?" asked a little boy" I'm not sure. I just need to keep looking for my bear," answered Catherine "You'll find your bear," said another little girl reassuringly "I hope you're right," said Catherine as she hugged every single child surrounding her. Soma smiled as he watched Catherine from afar. Kalpen noticed a look on Soma's face.

"I saw you smiling at the princess earlier today," said Kalpen that afternoon not long after they returned back to the palace "Whatever do you mean?" asked Soma "Ain't it obvious?" asked Kalpen "What is"obvious"?" asked Soma "It's obvious that you're in love," answered Kalpen "In love with who?" asked Soma "The princess, of course," answered Kalpen "Me? In love with Catherine? That's ridiculous," said Soma "I know when someone is in love by looking at their facial expression," said Kalpen "I'm not in love with Catherine," said Soma "Denying your feelings for the princess will grow until you can no longer deny them, your highness," said Kalpen "As I've told you, I'm not in love with the princess at all," said Soma "Well if that's you say. But remember you can't deny your feelings for long you know. Sooner or later you'll to admit that you're in love," said Kalpen. Meanwhile in her bedchamber Catherine and Lady Preston were having tea on the balcony "All of the men really enjoyed themselves today,"said Catherine "They really did. And some of them had that look on their faces," said Lady Preston "What look did they have on their faces?" asked Catherine "I think it might be love," answeredLady Preston "Who had that look on their faces?" asked Catherine"I can only remember two," answered Lady Preston "Well who are they?" asked Catherine eagerly "I think they were Prince Soma and his manservant Kalpen," answered Lady Preston "Really?" askedCatherine "Yes, I am sure of it," answered Lady Preston "That's ridiculous. Kalpen in love with me? That may never work," said Catherine"What do you mean?" asked Lady Preston "I'm a princess. He's a servant," answered Catherine "If you say so. But you never know what life leads you to," said Lady Preston "How will I know who to choose?" asked Lady Preston "My advice is to listen to your heart," answered Lady Preston "I hope you're right. I got plenty of time to listen to my heart and make my decision on who I'll marry," saidCatherine.

The next morning Kalpen picked up a note that was slid under the guest chamber door, it had his name written on one of the folded sides but he knew whom the note was for. He handed the note over to Soma. The note read "Please join me for an afternoon ride next month in Shere Woodlands. Catherine."

"Catherine has invited me to go riding with her next month," said Soma "Well I hope you enjoy yourself. I myself as well as the other guests have been invited to eat lunch with the king and queen," said Kalpen "I am sure you'll enjoy yourself too," said Soma.

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