2 | first day

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Dianna was extremely anxious to start her job.

This was something she had dreamed of but now that it was happening, now that it was right in front of her she felt extremely unprepared. She had made sure she was more than early, In fact she's spent the last 15 minutes in her car in the car park nervously tapping at her steering wheel. She watched as the clock on her dash changed to 8:45am, she had agreed with herself to go in 15 minutes early so that she could get to her office while also saying good morning to anybody.

She took one final look in her mirror as she opened her door. As she walked into the building she noticed how quiet it was, she expected it to busy or even full. But it wasn't, majority of the people she saw were people she had met yesterday. Majority of them being Accountants for Harlan. Harlan had told her the only one who writes for the company is himself, he said Walt has tried but so far nothing had been good enough. This confused Dianna because if his own sons writing wasn't good enough for him why would her's be?

"Dianna, you're in early" she turned around to see Harlan walking towards her

She smiled at the man "I like to be early, better than being late" it was true. This was a motto Dianna had lived by since she was a child, she was never late to anything.

"I like that, I wish more people could be like that" he chuckled slightly "Walt isn't here yet but when he is I'll bring him round to your office, introduce you"

She nodded "thank you Harlan"

"I'll see you soon" he smiled once more before heading towards his office

Dianna was now standing in front of her office door, she took one last deep breath before turning the door handle and walking in


It was now 12:30pm and Dianna hadn't stopped working for a second, she wanted to make a good impression and if that meant finishing all her work in advanced she would do it. Harlan had left some chapters for her to read through and add her opinion and send them back, he had also put aside some time for her to work on a story of her own. However that was not as easy as just starting, she had no idea what to write about so she just focused on the chapters she was given.

"Dianna, can I come in?" She was pulled from her work by two soft knocks on her door

"Come in" she replied as the door opened revelling Harlan and another man who she hadn't met yet

"This is my son, Walt. Walt this is Dianna" Harlan introduced the two

Dianna quickly stood up walking around the desk, putting her hand out for Walt to shake "its lovely to meet you"

Walt looked down at her, clearly not amused. The disgusted look on his face was enough for Dianna to know he was an ass "yes, you too" he quickly shook her hand

"We were just about to head out for lunch, would you like to join us?" Harlan asked

"Actually dad, we've got some stuff to talk about. Can't have little ears listening" he chuckled to himself, emphasising the word little

"Walt don't be so rude, Dianna should join us"

"It's alright, I brought lunch with me" Dianna spoke up, to be honest she didn't want to go with them. If her first impression of Walt was true she didn't want to spend a full lunch with him

"See? She's fine, let's go" Walt turned around leaving the office

Harlan sighed "enjoy your lunch Dianna" he turned around following Walt

As she turned around and began walking back to her desk her phone began to ring. She cleared her throat picking up her work phone. "Dianna Finley"

"Don't you sound all fancy" Rose spoke into the phone

"Rose? Why are you calling my work phone?" Dianna questioned her friend as to why she was calling her at work

Dianna and rose had been friends since high school. Both of them meeting during cheer practice, both of them instantly becoming close.

"Well you wouldn't answer your normal phone so here I am" rose chuckled

"It's turned off"

"Oh- that makes sense, well anyway when are you coming home? I miss you"

Dianna sighed, she knew the feeling all to well. She missed New York everyday, she missed her friends, her mom practically every thing you could miss, she did. But this was her life now, the one she dreamed of. "I miss you too rose, I miss everyone but I won't be coming home for awhile. I'm thinking about maybe surprising my mom for her birthday, so I'll be home for a couple days then"

"Your moms birthday is in September, you're telling me you won't come back until September?" Rose groaned in frustration

"We've just went into July, so honestly September isn't that long away" she tried to reassure her friend but it was mostly for herself

"Okay, okay. September it is, but if I can get a couple days off I'll come see you before that"

"You will?!" Dianna couldn't help the smile that over took her face, the thought of having a friend here with her even if it was only for a couple of days was the perfect news to her.

"Of course I will but right now I'm running late so I gotta go. I'll talk later, bye" with that rose had hung up the call. Dianna could imagine her practically running down the street to make it in time.

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