31 | The truth

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It had been a week since the accident, Louis was still in his coma. The doctors doing everything they could for him. Dianna and ransom had went back to to their normal lives, well as normal as they could. Dianna was still worried about Louis, something that annoyed ransom but what could he do, he would just have to wait it out until she stopped worrying. Until she forgot all about him.
The two had decided to go out tonight, they couldn't get as drunk as they hoped. The police had requested both of them to go to the station tomorrow to answer some questions, Dianna assumed they would want to tie up some loose ends. Dianna was surprisingly ready first, she wore a little black mini dress. The fabric hugging her curves perfectly, she wanted to keep it simple tonight since it wasn't really a special occasion.

She walked into the kitchen opening the fridge, on the look for a bottle of water. She sighed seeing there was none left. She walked towards the stairs, calling up them "ransom, is there any bottled water left anywhere?!"

"Yeah there's some in the garage, I'll be down in a minute I'll go out and get it. Just give me a minute" he called down the stairs

Dianna wasn't going to wait, she could walk into the garage herself. She opened the front door leaving the house, the garage being at the bottom of the land. As she unlocked the door, walking in she saw what looked to be a car but with a large sheet covering it. Had ransom gotten a new car? The curiosity was getting the better of her, she grabbed a corner of the sheet pulling it back and over the car. She gasped as she saw what sat underneath the sheet. Yes it was a car, but not one you could drive. The windshield was smashed, she noticed little bits of blood along the glass, sliding down onto the hood. It didn't take long for Dianna to connect the dots. This was the car that hit Louis, ransom hit Louis. He tried to kill him.

The garage door opened, ransom rushing in "I told you I would get them-" he stopped himself as soon as he saw the sheet off the car

"Is this what I think it is?" Dianna didn't even look at him, she kept her eyes on the car

"Dianna, it's just a little-"

"Did you hit Louis?" She questioned, still not looking at him

"Are you accusing me of hitting him? I was with you the whole night."

She finally turned to face him "don't speak to me like I'm stupid. I know you ransom, you did it. You tried to kill him"

He sighed running his hand through his hair

"That's why your clothes were on the floor. They didn't just fall. You had left. You left to hit Louis" the tear beginning to build in her eyes

Ransom knew he couldn't lie anymore, not to Dianna. She knew and if he was going to get away with this he needed her on his side. So he sighed, slowly nodding "yes it was me-"

"Oh my god, what the fuck" she exclaimed, brushing past him to leave

He grabbed her arm stopping her from leaving "you're not going anywhere. We need to talk about this"

"Talk about this?! He could've died! He still could!"

"You cant tell anyone about this, you do not know the truth. Got it? You know nothing."

"I cant lie to the police. I won't" she spat

"If you don't I will go to jail-"

"Maybe that's where you belong" she shrugged

He sighed "come on Dianna, I know you don't want to see me in jail"

"I- I don't even know who you are anymore" Slowly her tears began to fall

"You do, you do" he took her hands in his "you love me and I love you, I done this for us. We've overcame everything else why should this be any different?"

She pulled her hands away "you're not the man I fell in love with" she shook her head


"Don't! Don't sweetheart me" she cried

He sighed nodding, he really had fucked up big time. He wanted to comfort her, wipe her tears, hug her, do anything but he knew he couldn't. It would only Upset her more. He never wanted her to find out, he never wanted to ask her to lie for him but what choice did he have left? "Tomorrow at the station I need you to- I need you to tell them I was with you all night"

She laughed through her tears, every emotion in her body was high. She thought she knew him, she never thought he would go this far. She had so much faith in him, so much trust. He had just proved everyone right who had ever said anything bad about him while he had just proved Dianna wrong, she was wrong all along. "I'm going home" she spat opening the garage door, leaving without another word

Ransom knew better than to follow her, it would only anger her more. As the door shut he turned around kicking the car in frustration "shit, shit!" He had truly fucked up this time, his jealousy and anger got the best of him. He had went too far but it was too late to go back now.

The rest of the night he sat on the sofa, drinking his sorrows away. He waited and waited for the police to arrive but they never did, Dianna must be waiting until tomorrow to tell them. He hated himself, he had ruined the one good thing in his life. He wasn't sure Dianna could ever forgive him.

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