33 | leaving

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Two days had passed since Ransom and Dianna had split up. neither of them were doing well. Dianna tried to throw herself into work but she just couldn't concentrate, so she spent her time in bed. majority of the time was spent crying or looking through pictures of the two of them.

While Dianna was letting it all out Ransom was doing the opposite. He kept everything inside, using alcohol to try and take the pain away. Everything reminded him of her, from his bed to the kitchen even his car. His whole life had been tainted by Dianna.

Dianna had taken the past two days off work, she couldn't go back. not yet, there was too many memories. She was sat on her sofa reading a copy of little women, trying to prove to herself maybe she didn't need him after all. it wasnt working. she couldn't focus, after reading the same page for what felt like the 50th time her phone began to ring. she lifted it, sighing when she saw it was Harlan.

"hello?" she mumbled into the call

"Dianna, its Louis. he's awake-"

Dianna let out a large breathe, ransom hadn't killed him. he was alive. "thank god, how's he doing?"

"all good considering, he can't remember the accident but the police are going in tomorrow to see what he does remember"

she nodded to herself "is he allowed visitors?"

"I believe so, if you go please let him know im glad hes doing better"

"I will, thanks for letting me know Harlan" she spoke, hanging up the call

She threw her phone onto the sofa, pulling herself up and going to get changed

While Dianna made her way to hospital Ransom, unlike Dianna was at home.

He felt like time was moving so slowly, every hour dragging in. He hated it, he hated himself. He just wanted her back, to have her in his arms. But he knew that wouldn't happen. She hated him, she hated him and it was all his fault.

He was currently sat at the kitchen table, doing what he has since Dianna walked out, absolutely nothing. He would sit for hours just staring into the void that had been created. He moved in his chair, immediately feeling uncomfortable. "What the fuck" he hissed, reaching into his pocket to pull out a small box

He sighed looking at the box before slowly opening it. The shining diamonds standing out, the more he stared at the ring the more tears that built in his eyes. He wasn't going to cry. He wasn't. So instead he done what he does best, he got angry. He slammed the box shut throwing it across the room.

Dianna jumped out her car making her way straight to Louis room. Once she was in the room she saw Louis, he was now sitting up in bed. It was a big change from seeing him attached to every machine possible.

"Hey" she smiled softly at him, walking further into the room

"Dianna, what are you doing here?" He asked smiling

"I'm came to see how you were feeling" that wasn't a lie, she did want to know how he was doing but she was also trying to calm her guilt. So far it wasn't working "how are you feeling?"

"Good, considering" he chuckled softly

"I'm glad, I'm glad" she nodded, her eyes filling with tears. A mix of sadness and guilt rolling into the one.

"What's wrong?" He asked, reaching for her hand

She quickly moved her hand "I gotta go, it was nice seeing you-"

"But you only just got here? I want you to catch me up on everything I missed"

"I will, I will" she nodded, trying to hold her tears back "next time I promise" she turned around walking out of the room

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