4 | work days

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The weekend had passed quickly.

Dianna had yet to make any friends In Boston, she wasn't sure she would consider Ransom a friend just yet. So she spent her weekend in her apartment, she had decided to best use of her time would be to finish decorating so she did. She made sure everything was perfect and to her taste. But it was now Monday morning the day were she had to start lying to her boss. Dianna couldn't help but feel slightly guilty but honestly what could ransom learn from her anyway? She had no real reason to feel guilty, did she?

She tried to shake the feelings of guilt away as she opened the door walking in. Like always she was one of the first here, she made her way to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee before starting for the day.

"Dianna, I knew I would find you here" Harlan spoke entering the kitchen

She chuckled slightly knowing her routine never changed, I guess you could say she was predictable "would you like a coffee? Maybe tea"

"I'm fine for now but thank you. I wanted to speak to you about ransom"

She nodded for him to go on

"Just don't judge him before you get to know him, I know he can sometimes be rude or even an asshole but if he does or says anything to offend you come straight to me"

"I will, thank you for the pre warning" she smiled at Harlan

"He's got a lot of potential, he just ruins it for himself sometimes" he sighed

"I'll- I'll try to help him, maybe I can get through to him? Make him focus on something?" She suggested wanting to help

"You would do that?"

"Of course, I want to help"

"Thank you Dianna, I really appreciate it" he smiled

"It's my pleasure"

"He should be here soon" he spoke, checking his watch for the time "he'll spend the morning with me then after lunch he can help you with some new chapters"

Dianna nodded "got it"

"I should get going, thank you again" he smiled turning around and walking out of the kitchen

She sighed pouring the water into her mug as she thought about what her next plan was going to be.


Dianna had spent the full morning once again staring at a blank document. She would write a couple of chapters then read them back and hate them causing her to delete it all and start again. As she was finishing her lunch her office door flew open ransom walking in. She felt herself hold her breath for a second as she looked at him,  how is it possible for someone to be that good looking?

"Well hello Dianna" he smirked sitting down on the chair across from her

"Well Hello ransom" she spoke using his words

"So I was thinking we could start with-"

"Hold up, hold up" he interrupted her "I thought we made a deal?"

She sighed "ransom, you gotta help me here. Just give it a go"

"Nope" he replied popping the P

"Fine. Just sit there and let me get on with my work then"

"Oh someones bossy" he chuckled

She rolled her eyes as she pulled up the email from Harlan with all the new chapters for her to look at.

Ransoms silence didn't last for long as he sighed throwing his head back "this is boring"

"Well you could help?" She looked up from her laptop

"Yeah no" he scoffed Pulling his phone out. It wasn't long before his phone was against his ear and he was talking to someone

The more ransom spoke on his phone the more it irritated Dianna, she just wanted to get her work done. But no here he was stopping her from concentrating. She tried to block him out but she had read the same sentence at least 4 times now. "Ransom, please stop"

He shook his head ignoring her

"Ransom" she tried to get his attention

He ignored her once more

She sighed standing from her desk making her way around to him. She reached forward grabbing his phone out of his hand and ending the call.

"What do you think you're doing?" He spat

"I'm trying to work just because you want to sit and waste your life away doesn't mean I want to" Dianna felt bad for saying that, she felt it was harsh.

He stood up instantly towering over her "give me my phone back"

"No. I've got work to do and if all you're going to do is talk on the phone that means I can't concentrate."

He sighed as he began slowly nodding "okay, okay."

"Wait, what?" She asked confused

"I'll let you concentrate, I'm- sorr- I'm sorry I distracted you" he couldn't believe what he was doing. He was apologising, he never done that especially to someone he just met but somehow he did feel bad. He felt like it was right to apologise.

Dianna was slightly taken back. She never expected him to give in that easily. "Just let me do my work" she handed him his phone back as she walked back around her desk sitting down

Ransom nodded sitting down, letting her get on with her work.

The afternoon passed pretty quickly. Ransom allowed her to finish her work, he would spend most of his time watching her. There was something about her, something he couldn't quite explain. He took in everything little thing he could, the way her eyebrows would knit together when she was concentrating or the way she would let a small smile creep onto her face when she read something she enjoyed. He wanted to know more about her, to understand her. He was intrigued to say the least.

Two knocks were placed on the door which broke Dianna out of her trance "come in"

Harlan opened the door, Dianna quickly threw ransom a stack of papers which he grabbed and pretended he was reading. Harlan smiled as he entered the office looking at the two. "I came to check up on you two, how are you doing?"

Ransom nodded "we are doing good, just working"

"Dianna?" Harlan asked wanting her to tell him it was true

She nodded "we've made our way through 5 of the chapters so far, he's doing good"

"I'm impressed" Harlan looked to ransom

"You underestimate me" ransom looked to his grandfather smugly smiling

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say ransom" Harlan chuckled "I'm heading out for the day but I'll see you both tomorrow?"

They both nodded as Harlan left the office. Ransom stood up walking over to the window the looked onto the car park.

"What are you doing?" She asked looking over to him at the window

"Watching him leave so I know he's gone" ransom stated as if it was obvious

"Okay he's gone, I'll see you later" he walked towards the door

"You're leaving?"

"Yeah, he won't know. I'll see you tomorrow" he opened the door walking out of the office

Dianna tried to figure him out but he was confusing. One minute he was saving her from her ex and apologising for being distracting the next minute he's asking her to lie to her boss and leaving her sitting alone. She sighed shaking her head going back to her work.

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