27 | mine

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A couple of days had passed since Dianna had last saw ransom. She didn't understand why he had to start a fight with Louis, nothing was going on between the two. She loves ransom, she always will but that doesn't mean she wasn't extremely angry at him but she missed him. She missed waking up beside him in bed, she missed the way he would hug her from behind as she cooked breakfast or the little kisses he would put on her head every so often. He called her relentlessly but she wasn't ready to talk, she wanted him to think about what he had done but she also needed time. Time to get over the feeling that this was all her fault, sometimes she would take all the blame and then others she wouldn't. She didn't make ransom come in and start fighting, that was his choice not hers.

When she looked at Louis she felt all the guilt, his face was bruised the small cuts slowly beginning to heal. Over the past couple of days they had spent more time together, maybe it was because she actually enjoyed his company or maybe it was just the guilt. Either way she wanted to be around him and Louis didn't mind one bit, he enjoyed having her around, he really enjoyed it. Today they had decided to go out for lunch instead of just staying in the office.

"So have you heard from him?" Louis asked

Dianna looked up from her plate, looking at the bruised man in front of her "who?"

"Ransom, has he tried to contact you?"

She sighed nodding "everyday, at least four phone calls"

"You haven't answered?"

She shook her head "no, no. I don't know what to say to him"

"Maybe- maybe you should end things?" He questioned moving his focus onto his plate so he didn't have to make eye contact with her

"What? I don't think s-" she started but was interrupted

"Dianna?" She looked up to see mark standing beside their table

"Mark? What- what are you doing here?"

"Can I have a word?" Mark questioned before looking to Louis "in private"

Louis nodded "I need the bathroom anyway" he stood up, walking out of sight

Mark sat down in Louis chair "it's about
Ransom-" this time Dianna was the one to interrupt him

"If he's sent you here so that I will forgive him it's not going to work"

"He doesn't know I'm here but you've got to listen to me. He loves you and I know you love him, when you're not with him it's like he turns back into that unbearable asshole"

"So I've just got to babysit him my full life? No."

Mark sighed "I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is it's going to be hard, it'll be hard to make this work but if you love him like i think you do you'll make it work. He'll make it work. He will always been an asshole, he always has been but he's different with you. As much as he doesn't want to admit it he's insecure, why do you think he gets so jealous when it comes to you? He thinks you'll run at the first hurdle, if you want to make this work you have to fight for it."

Dianna knew he was right, she did love him and she wanted to make this work but that didn't mean the anger just disappeared. "I know, I know" she sighed "you're right but He can't just expect me to forgive him right away. You saw Louis, he needs to apologise, to make it up to him and me"

Mark nodded "you're right, and he will you just need to give him the chance"

Before Dianna got the chance to reply Louis was standing back at the table, sending a glare to mark. "I should get going, just give him a chance but don't make it too easy for him. He should work for something for once" he chuckled standing up

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