8 | Hostile

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It was now Monday again. The day Dianna had been dreading.

She had spent the whole weekend regretting her decision of calling Tyler. It was a mistake to call him in the first place but to then moan another man's name, to say she was embarrassed was an understatement.

She had spent the whole morning in her office. She was scared to leave incase she bumped into ransom, not only did they have an argument but she moaned his name. She moaned his name during sex with her ex. She just prayed Harlan kept him for the full day.

But like always nothing went her way. The door flew open ransom walking in and sitting down in the chair in front of her desk. Dianna immediately felt embarrassed yet irritated at the same time. Ransom on the other hand was feeling confident, maybe he did like Dianna and maybe just maybe he could make it work.

"So sweetheart, what's the plan for today?" Ransom asked grabbing the post it notes from her desk

"Don't call me that and I'm working. You know that, you're literally in my office" she sighed, continuing to type

"How about honey? Or darling?" He teased

"Nope, my name is Dianna. Not sweetheart, not honey or darling. It's Dianna and give me back my post it notes" she scoffed in frustration as she leaned over the desk grabbing the notes from him

"Whatever you say doll. Oh I like that, doll" he smirked

"Ransom stop it. We cant just act like nothing happened. I know I can't" she sighed

He knew she was right. They couldn't just go on like nothing happened, they would have to address it at some point and better sooner than later right?

"Look, im sorry. I shouldn't have let them speak to you like that, I should've stood up for you. Put them in their place, but I didn't. I'm also sorry that I let you walk home yourself, that wasn't cool either and I'm sorry" he let out a breath of relief finally getting that off his chest

Dianna never expected him to apologise that quickly, maybe he did feel bad after all. "Thank you, I appreciate it"

"You know apologising is a lot harder than it looks. You're the only one I've ever really said sorry to" he chuckled, it was true. If his mom seen him now she probably wouldn't recognise him

"Well I'm glad that-"

"Wait, is that what I think it is?" He moved his head to get a better view of her neck.

Dianna sighed, she really thought she had done a better job at hiding it than that. The average person might not be able to see it but ransom certainly did.

"Is that a hickey?" Ransom asked

"Okay, okay just listen to-"

"I came here to apologise but you've been fucking other guys? I thought we were"

"We're what ransom? We aren't dating we haven't even been on a date. That's what I thought Friday was. That's why I was so annoyed, I thought It would be me and you but no your friends were there as well. What I'm going to say might sound stupid considering I just met you but I like you ransom and the thought of going on a date with you made me excited" she blurted out, she never expected to tell him how she felt but here she was. No day but today I guess

"Then why go fuck another guy? If you like me that much why go with someone else?" He spat clearly annoyed

"I didn't fuck Tyler, I didn't fuck anyone"

"Tyler? Your ex?" His eyes were practically popping out of his head

"I was angry at you I wanted to get rid of some...tension. So I called Tyler but I didn't sleep with him"

"Then explain that on your neck, you don't get that from just talking"

"We were going to sleep together then I...I" she really didn't want to say it, it was embarrassing

"You what? Cant make up a lie that quickly?"

Dianna knew the only way to get him off her back was to tell him the truth, that was her only option. "I moaned your name" she whispered

"What? I cant hear you?"

She sighed "I moaned your name!"

Ransom raised his eyebrows, a smirk slowly taking over his face "you moaned my name?"

"Yes and let's not talk about it because it's embarrassing enough" she groaned putting her head in her hands

"I've got that effect on you huh?"

"Stop, I can't handle the embarrassment"

"Can I let you in on a little secret?" He asked moving his seat closer to the desk

"Enlightened me" she sighed lifting her head

"I like-" ransom swallowed preparing himself for how vulnerable he was about to make himself "I like you too. I mean I haven't moaned your name with anyone or anything but I like you"

A smile crept onto Dianna's lips the embarrassment slowly fading away "you do?"

He nodded "I do, how about I take you on a date. A real date"

"I would like that" she smiled brightly

"Good, how about tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow Night it is"

"Perfect, now show me how to sort these chapters" he stood up walking around to her side of the desk pulling a chair with him

"What?" She asked looking at him as he sat down

"Teach me what you know" he smiled

Dianna was smiling ear to ear as she explained everything she could. Ransom took in every last detail, for once working didn't seem that bad.

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