11 | lonely friday nights

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I really said here's some chapters then uploaded nearly everything I have. Anyway I have a REALLY exciting chapter next but I don't know if I should uploaded it tonight or calm down on the updates for a bit. As always enjoy besties!

It was now Friday. 3 days had passed since the date.

The two took advantage of anytime they had together. They wanted to spend every waking second with one another, but with Harlan keeping ransom busy is was proving difficult.

Dianna was back at her apartment alone. Ransom was currently at Richard and Linda's office, she didn't know why but she assumed he would be there awhile. So here she was lying along the sofa when her phone began ringing. She saw it was her mom calling, instantly answering

"Hey mom" she spoke into the phone

"Hey di, how's everything going? How was the date?"

Dianna chuckled she knew the questions would come eventually, she was just surprised it never happened sooner

"It went really well, I really like him mom"

"I'm so glad sweetie, you deserve someone who's going to treat you right. I'm desperate to meet him"

"We're not even dating and anyway neither one of us can afford to come see each other" she sighed

"I know, I know. I just miss you" her mom spoke, full of sadness

"I miss you too mom, I especially miss your cooking" Dianna chuckled trying to cheer her up

"I knew you wouldn't be able to cope without it! All those years and you still need me in some way"

"I'll always need you mom"

She could hear her mom sniffle through the phone "hey what's wrong?" She asked Worry lacing her voice

"I just miss you so much, it's weird"

Dianna could hear people in the background talking, she thought her mom was at home "where are you?"

"I'm on the subway" she stated as if it was obvious "speaking of this is my stop, I'll call you later"

"Bye mom, love you" she hung up the call thinking about her mom crying on the subway. To be honest it was actually very in character for her, Dianna wasn't surprised.

Knowing how much her mom missed her she knew it would be a great surprise to go see her for her birthday, her mom would be ecstatic. Maybe she could even take ransom with her?


Dianna had spent the rest of the day doing nothing, no surprise there. She hadn't even moved from the sofa, it was the series of knocks on her door that made her get up.

She swung the door open to see ransom standing with a bunch of roses in his hand.

"Ransom" she smiled brightly at the roses then at him

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He teased

"Of course" she chuckled stepping aside to let him in

"These Are for you" he smiled proudly handing her the roses

Never in his life has he bought a women flowers but when It came to Dianna he would do anything, anything to see her smile or hear her laugh.

"They're gorgeous" she smiled brightly at the flowers "thank you" she reached up planting a soft kiss on his lips "go get a seat, I'll go put these in some water" she smiled walking into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase

Ransom took his jacket off hanging it up on the peg at the front door before walking into the open plan living area. He smiled as he finally got a chance to look around, he walked straight over to her bookshelf desperate to see what it contained. As he looked through shelf after shelf he couldn't help but chuckle at the choice of books. Romance after romance, the shelf's were filled with classics. The further he got down the more he recognised some of the books as they slowly turned to mystery novels. Looking at her bookshelf was like walking around in her mind, everything screamed Dianna Finley and he loved it. He traced his fingers along the spine of wuthering heights before pulling it out, he could tell it had been well read, the spine cracked and the leather on the book starting to peel. He opened the book going to the title page seeing a message had been left. 'To my Di, one day you will fall in love and It will be the most miraculous thing you'll ever experience. Oh and hopefully he'll make sure you stop making stupid decisions. Love mom x' ransom chuckled at the message, he wondered how long ago that was.

"Being nosy are we?"

Ransom turned around to see Dianna standing behind him. He felt as if he had done something wrong, as if he had been caught "no I was just looking I-"

"I'm only kidding, you can look around as much as you want" she chuckled moving onto the sofa, getting comfortable

He sighed with relief as he sat down beside her, book still in hand

"You like wuthering heights?" She questioned

"Never read it, it's a nice message your mom put in it" he opened the page that contained the message

"Yeah, can you imagine how nice it is when she makes you read it out loud when your boyfriend is right beside you" she chuckled remembering the day her mom gifted her the book

"She didn't?" Ransom chuckled

"Oh she did. She hated Tyler, she thought our relationship was inappropriate and there was also the small fact she thought he was a prick" she laughed shaking her head

"You know what, I like your mom already" he laughed closing the book and putting it on the coffee table "why did she think your relationship was inappropriate?" Ransom asked being genuinely curious

Dianna sighed "he was my professor, but before you say anything I was 19 at the time it was perfectly legal. She thought he made me sleep with him to get good grades, he wasn't exactly the best boyfriend so she was confused what attracted me to him"

Ransom nodded not wanting to say anything on the subject of her ex

"So what happened with your mom and dad? If you don't mind me asking" she asked moving closer to ransom

"I don't mind at all" he smiled, also moving closer to her "they just like to hassle me, I haven't been turning up to family dinners. It's not like they miss me when I'm not there anyway"

"You really don't get along with them do you?"

Ransom sighed shaking his head "it always turns into an argument, I would rather spend my time right here with you" he smiled leaning in to kiss her

Dianna smiled into the kiss, she felt as if she had something good with ransom. Something special. She felt protective of it, as if she was scared she could lose it in a second. And this, what she had, ransom, she didn't want to lose.

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