I Know my... Limits

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Soon summer vacation started as Riro went to his grandparents' home. And again, Sushiru was left alone with Yoongi but she was relieved that he wouldn't abuse her atleast.

She was sitting on the couch watching TV, hugging her knees and resting her face on her knees. While Yoongi was sitting beside her, on a little distance, working on his laptop. TV voice was minimum so she doesn't disturb him. It's a romantic movie which she is fond of and it really refreshes her mood. Oh how much she wants to experience those romantic scenes in real life but luck was never in her side. Sushiru was smiling like crazy when the hero kissed the heroine, deep and passionate. Yoongi observed her going crazy over a kiss scene but ignored and continued doing his work. The moment the movie ended, she turned off the TV and sat silently for a while and then she gathered her courage, turning towards him.

Sushiru: Yoongi, you know what is it today?

Yoongi didn't look at her and spoke: if it's your birthday, I am not interested.

Sushiru: no, it's not my birthday. Actually... Its-

Yoongi closed his laptop and looked at her: what is it?

Her breath hitched seeing Yoongi's action. He never listens to her any talk while focusing on her but today he closed his laptop to listen to her. What if she says something wrong and makes him angry? She doesn't want to get beaten up but she is having intense urge to let out.

Sushiru: I- it's been 10 years today since when I proposed to you for the first time in the school and well Offcourse you rejected me back then. I was so obsessed with you. I thought my love is true and I'll make you fall in love with me with the power of my true love, but looks like it wasn't true at all. Even after 10 years of that proposal and 5 years of our marriage, you still don't love me. Looks like the times will fly away like this only and I don't think I will ever be able to make you fall for me *sigh* and I think I can't wait anymore. (tears stream down her face) sorry Yoongi, but I can't do this anymore. I'll try to move on over you from now on. And I know you want this too that I should stop loving you so I love you enough to fulfill your wish.

With this Sushiru stood up and bowed in front of Yoongi: Thank you for taking care of me. I'll never forget this favor.

The girl went to her room without waiting for any response. Yoongi was shocked at her sudden confession and it did hurt somewhere in his heart that the girl who always loved him will stop loving him and move on now. Shrugging off the thought, he continued with his work on the laptop. Maybe he could understand the consequences of ignoring her feelings? It's rightly said that we understands someone's value only after we lose them. And surely it isn't easy for Sushiru to unlove someone or move on over whom she loved beyond skies!

(2 days later)
They both had their dinner. Sushiru wanted to catch up on TV as she was totally bored. She went towards Yoongi's room and knocked on his door.

Yoongi: Come in!

She slowly opened the door and went in as she saw him working on his laptop.

She asked in a low voice: can I watch TV for sometime?

His eyes never left the laptop as he spoke: yes you can! And you don't have to ask me again and again. I have already said you can watch TV anytime as long as you don't get lazy in doing the house chores. So, you don't have to ask me every time.

She nodded and bowed, said thank you and went downstairs.

Then walked to the living room to watch TV. Well yes, Yoongi has given her freedom to watch tv anytime but she prefer taking his permission so that he doesn't get angry over her. He knows that Sushiru gets bored when Riro ain't around so he gave her permission to watch tv anytime. In the starting years of marriage, she had no such permission to entertain herself as all she could do is just overthink in her free time.

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