Chapter 23

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I saw Sirena running away. I wanted to run after her...I really did. But I just felt she needed some alone time. I figured she would come back. She hadn't taken anything with her. She just had to come back.

I am such an idiot. I keep making the same mistakes again and again. I knew she was not ready to be committed. Jayden had seen to that.

And I'd gone and confessed my love to her.

I ran a hand through my hair. A nervous habit of mine...

Where the hell was Sirena?

It had been a long time.

Screw it. I'm going after her.



I was clutching onto Jake with a death grip. I was terrified.

"Ow! Sirena, loosen the hold." Jake called over the roar of the engine. I could see he was wincing.

I loosened my hold just a bit.

"That's better." Jake sighed.

My eyes were closed shut. We travelled for what seemed like eternity, with me clutching onto Jake like my life depended on it.

"What's the address?" Jake called out. I gave it to him.

"Whoa! Posh much? That's the richest neighborhood around here." He said.

I didn't answer.

"We're here." Jake said after about half an hour, I think.

I still didn't let go. I was paralyzed.

"Sirena? Hey, Sirena. We've reached. You wanna let go now?" he asked.

I slowly loosened my grip, removed my arms from around him and got down from the motorbike shakily.

"Uh, thanks for the ride. I appreciate it." I said politely.

"I'm guessing you didn't really enjoy the ride and you owe me a date. Just don't forget that." Jake said, grinning.

Was it just me, or was he enjoying this a bit too much?

"Yeah, whatever. Bye." I said and rushed into the house.

I looked all over the house for Adrien, but couldn't find him. Derek and Carla weren't home yet.

I had an uneasy guilty feeling. Was Adrien still waiting in that forest for me? I hoped not.

I sighed. I guess my apology would have to wait.



I searched throughout the forest. I checked every corner, but couldn't find Sirena.

Now, I was panicking. Where was she?

I trudged back to the picnic spot. I hoped she was alright.

I finally reached the spot, packed up and went to my car.

The drive back home was eerie. When we'd come to the forest, Sirena kept chattering throughout the way. Now there was complete silence.

I reached back home, and went up the stairs. A gut feeling was telling me to check Sirena's room.

So I did. She was there. Sleeping innocently.

How the hell did she get back home? A small part of me was quivering with anger, but what I mostly felt was relief that she was safe.

I'll have to ask her in the morning.



I got up in the morning, refreshed. Fortunately, I didn't have any nightmares. Looks like all the tension kept away the nightmares.

I stretched and got dressed up. When I went down, Derek was there looking harassed.

"Morning Derek." I called out.

"Sirena! Where were you? We have a shoot to go to. We're already behind on the schedule! Hurry up and get into the car. Go, go, go!" Derek shooed me.

I rushed out of the door. I had totally forgotten about the shoot, amidst last night's events

When I was about to enter the car, Damon's car came in through the gates.

"Sirena! Where are you going? We have to meet with my father at our place right now, remember?" Damon said, getting out of his car.

"Uh, yeah sure I remembered!" I lied brightly.

Damon gave me 'the look'.

"Okay, fine. I forgot." I grumbled. "But I really can't come right now. Derek has to take me to this shoot, and if I delay it any longer, he'll pull all his hair out." I said.

Damon sighed. "Fine. But you better pop in after your shoot. Call me when you need a ride. And please don't forget it this time. It's really important."

"Okay. Will do." I replied.

What was so important that Damon wanted to see me so urgently? And moreover, what did it have to do with Damon's father?

"Sirena get in the car pronto!" Derek shouted, getting into the driver's seat.

I hopped in and we drove off to god knows where.

We reached after a million hours, but I managed to keep my mouth shut throughout the ride.

The place was a huge beach. It was beautiful, the sands shimmered and the vast sea lay blue and sparkling.

The whole beach was buzzing with activity. All the crew members were moving around swiftly, and right in the middle a young guy around my age was sitting. Many people were hovering over him, while he barked orders at them.

I got a good look at the guy who was sitting there. It was Mark Rogers. The hottest celebrity around. He was rumored to be the most stuck-up actor around, not to mention the most fussy and annoying.

Just shoot me now.

Derek saw my expression and gave me a wry grin, "He may be irritating, but he is the best actor around."

"Don't worry. I'll just keep out of his way." I replied.

"Uh, that might be a problem. He is you co-star. So there is no way you'll be able to avoid him." Derek answered.

Oh, who cares. My life is already in ruins. So what if I have an assh*le on my back.

"Let's get this show on the road."


I know it's short, but I wanted that little detail to be out of the way. Next chapter should be much better. You'll get to meet Mark, and I'll unveil what Damon and his father want with Sirena.

So please bear with me.



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