Chapter 10

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I know i've taken a lot of time to upload this and i'm really sorry.....but my laptop is the most uncooperative thing anyone's ever seen....and you guys are i for the biggest surprise of you lives.'s the next chappy!



I was still pondering over who my partner was going to be when the car stopped in front of a H-U-G-E building. It was all steel and had those black tinted, shiny windows. The whole building had a sort of a mysterious air to it.

Carla led me to the large double doors in the front.  

When we entered, all the people did a sort of a salute to Carla and looked me over.  

God! This was like the first day at high school all over agin. Two times in a day was the limit!

Carla led me further and further inside the building, and finally turned right where there was a door.  

She opened the doors which led to a training centre kind of a thing. There were rows and rows of gym machines, self-protection equipments and whatnot.

Carla started to say something when a HOT....and when I say hot I mean the seriously mind-blowing hot type, guy entered and started talking to Carla.  

I started scrutinising him more closely...  

hmm....not as hot as Adrien though.  

Wait..what? where did that thought come from? My conscience was rubbing of on me!

Carla turned around and said with a flourish "This is your partner Sirena" poiting at the hot guy, "And his name is....Damon Beaux."  

I was just nodding until then and when she said Beaux, I snapped. But, Carla was just continuing with the introduction and when she told Damon that my name was Sirena Beaux, I saw him snap too.

But, this was not possible. I didn't HAVE any parents. So, how could I have a brother? Dumb! We just shared the same name is all.  

As far as I knew I didn't have any siblings.  

'But you don't know hwo your parents are' a small voice in my head said.

i shook my head clear and focused. No,...i didn't have any parents or siblings and that was final.  

But, i still couldn't help looking Damon up and down and see if we had any similarities. All my thougts on how he was hot had vanished and I could't even think about dating him.  

Even though he was not related to me. That was that. I had no family and hat was final.

All this time even Damon had been quiet and carla was looking at us eagerly, like she was expectig a happy reunion.

When none of us said anything Carla finally spoke "So......aren't you going to hug...i mean...shake hands or anything?"  

Damon and I shook hands robotically, and then dropped our hands simultaneously

Carla started, but I interrupted her "Nuh-uh...It's not what you think. I have no family or siblings and that's final"

Carla looked disappointed but didn't say anything.

It was Damon who broke the silence this time, "So...I guess we should start training huh?" he said looking directly at me.  

I just nodded mutely and followed him.

Carla turned around and went off to wherever she had to go to.

Today was my first day, so Damon just introduced me to some people, then went around the whole huge building explaining all the equipments and how they were supposed to be utilised to me.  

All the time I was in a trance. My mind was registering everything but my concentration was elsewhere.  

Even though it was impossible, it would be wonderful if I could have a big brother. Damon had told me he was 19, two years elder to me.  

i HAD to stop thiking like this. I had no hope. Being hopeful would just bring me down. I had no family and that was the truth. Right now I had to concentrate on staying put in this house.

Finally the tour and explaination ended.  

"Well.....I guess I'll see you tomorrow" Damon said.  

"Sure" I said

Carla was waiting for me outside and I got into the car. The drive home was silent.

When we reached home, I thanked Clara and went to my own room.

I got ready for bed and sat down on the loveseat near the windowsill, with the script Mr.Storm had given me. I started reading. The story was really good, but I couldn't concentrate. So, I put the sheets down and leaned back thinking again.

A soft voice came from behind me, "Hey....I came to call you for dinner, but i guess you don't want to come down" Adrien said, looking at my nightwear.  

I just nodded. Adrien came and sat near me on the loveseat.  

"Mom told me what happened at the agency. Do you think..." he began, but I interrupted him "No, I don't have anyone. I don't have any family or siblings" I said.  

it was like I was repeating this again and again, convincing myself as well as others.

"So....does that mean that Damon is competition? I've seen that guy and also seen how chicks are attracted to him" he said in his signature cocky way.  

I didn't answer is question. I was too busy looking at his face. His features were sharp and perfect ans his eyes were with swirls of grey in them. He was like a greek god, a masterpiece. And that's when I noticed. Adrien was full on grinning and there were two very cute dimples on both his well defined cheeks.

"Hey! you have dimples!" I exclaimed like an idiot.  

"Is that all the consolation and flattery you can give me? Seriously? My dimples? Most girls would notice my hot bod or my equally hot face, but you go for the dimples?" he teased.

"You really have a very big head. It's a wonder you can get that head through the front door" I snapped back.  

But he just sat there grinning like an idiot.

I huffed and went over to my bed and pulled the sheets over me. "Now get out. I'm gonna sleep and I certainly don't want your perverted self watching me"

He grumbled something incoherent and walked out, but not before shouting out " Don't let the cookie monster in your nightmare get you!"

Sh*t! The nightmares.

Maybe they wouldn't come today, because it had been such a hectic day...i certainly hoped so.

But, no such luck.


There....soooo what do you guys think about Damon????  

And I'll begin the next chapter with Sirena's nightmare.

Also....the next chapter is going to be FULL of surprises.........  

And Vote limit is increased to 200. There....that should take while, cuz you people reach the limit too quickly.

And thank you very much for being sooo supportive of this story.. i love you guys!!!

Please comment, vote and fan!  


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