Chapter 5

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I am on cloud nine..seriously..I love you people for voting, fanning and commenting...and please continue's the next part



I was saved again by that hot Adrien guy. When I came onto the stage all those wolf whistles and cat calls made me really uncomfortable and i tugged on my dress. I saw the Adrien guy sitting right at the back with a murderous expression. Wonder what got into him.

As soon as the auctioneer stated my price. so many people started throwing off figures at once. Wow! I had no idea i was worth so much money. In the end a thug and an old man were left. Both of them were looking at me with lust in their eyes and I had a fair idea what I would be for them.

The old man was winning and had just bidded 1 million pounds for me. He looked at me with his tongue practically lolling out and mouthed "you're mine". I was so horrified thatI am sure it must have shown on my face.

At this point I felt I had no hope. Zip, nada, zilch. Old coot was gonna buy me and use me for..Oh good god!. I can't even think about it! I was mentally cursing fate, when Adrien calmly stated "5 million pounds". Everyone in the house looked at him like he had grown two heads.

Even I was shocked. 5 million pounds for me??!!??. The auctioneer too looked baffled and stumbled on his own words trying to confirm if what he had heard. Adrien replied coolly "that's what I said". Of course I was sold at once to Adrien. For once, my luck seemed to be on my side.

Adrien grinned and got up, and I was led backstage to be collected by him. I was the last one left. Everybody else had already been bought by someone.

Adrien had, by this time, came backstage. He paid for me and then finally turned towards me. Wow!. He really is breathtaking was my first thought.

"Well..I don't think we have had a proper introduction. I'm Adrien Storm". "Thanks for saving me from this hell hole and I'm Sirena Beaux" I replied. Okay that was not very witty but I forgot how to talk with this extremely hot guy right in front of me.

Bad thoughts Sirena, bad thought I chastised myself. Hot guys like him don't fall for girls like me and I bet he already has a girlfriend. No way was I falling for a player like him! So..I was gonna stay away from him.

Also when he said his name like that. there is this weird feeling in my stomach that says I know him.

I concentrated hard and then it came to me.. Oh my God!.. He was THE Adrien Storm , the famous football player. How could I forget him? I hated this guy! But that was mainly because Sophie loved him to pieces and also because he was a notorious heartbreaker, a player. He was also the son of famous director Derek Storm and his mum one actually knows that much about his mum.

These kinds of guys were full of themselves and egoistic assh!oles. Don't blame me for judging!

So thats why I went "No way !...You are that cocky football player aren't you? What the hell are YOU doing in an auction house when there are numerous girls willing to throw them at your feet?" "I hope you are also one of those girls?" he asked with a smirk. "Over my dead body am I ever sleeping with you" I replied

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