Chapter 3

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Hey people. Im putting up the next chapter....And would you please please mind commenting or voting???

Read on to know more..



OK!!!!... This was the final straw! How the hell was it my fault if my dad does not get the perfect heroine, or my mom does not get a skilled agent??! I did try my best to help them, but i can't just wave a wand and set everything straight! Confused are you?

Let me clear this. My dad is a hot-shot power riding director, while my mom is..well.. she is a secret agency. The agency just promoted her to the position of director and my mom needs the perfect replacement for her.

I know what you are thinking. How can a director and a secret agent meet, fall in love and get kids [well, kid in this case] right?

My mum and dad met when dad was directing a film in Hungary and mom was on some kind of hush-hush secret mission. As destiny would be, they both met in a cafe, liked each other, started dating and ended up getting married. Its not that complicated. Wish it clicked so easily for me. We'll come back to that later

So, as i was saying... I was really desperate to get the perfect girl to keep my parents from shouting 24/7, so i had no other option but resort to going to the auction house. I seriously hate that place. You can't just pick people up and sell them!

But as i said I had no other option. So I got into my lamborghini murcielago, crossed my fingers hoping I would find the right girl and drove off.



Oh God! My head was killing me. Where the hell was I? I looked around.the place. It was a cage..literally. The place stank and was dank and dark. I was lying on the floor. I was just trying to figure out what was going on when 2 guys came in. As soon as i saw them, I remembered the day's events.

Oh sh*t!. The auction. Bl**dy Carlsons. And those two perverted men. Eww!. Right now they were looking at me like I was something to eat.

One of them came toward me and practically swung me across the floor and leered "You don't give us trouble lady. You getcha? If you do I'll make sure you don't see daylight again" I shivered and nodded.

"Good..Good" he said "Now get your ass outside and change into this dress" He pointed at the most sluttiest, horrendous and exposing dress i had ever seen in my life! It was gold and wouldn't even reach my thighs and the front was another story. The neckline practically dipped till my waist. It was so exposing and totally not me!. No way was i wearing that..that..piece of cloth!

And I told the Lyle guy this too. Which he answered by striking me across the face, pushing me outside the cage and into a tiny, smelly bathroom and saying "You don't wear that dress and come out in ten second flat, I will dress you myself. An trust me i will have fun"

I was mentally puking at this thought and went in and quickly got into the slutty dres. As i had expected the dress barely covered my butt and my bo*bs were hanging out. I tried to adjust it, but i could do nothing.

I went out and Lyle moaned "God! I wanna take you down so bad. But boss will shoot me..Now run along and get into that room" he said pointing at a red, half broken down door. I moved forward and then, Lyle grabbed my as*.

I quickly whirled and punched him in the guts and said "You do that again and your boss will not kill you, I will kill you myself". "Why you little b*tch!" he shouted and raised his fist. I cowered waiting for the blow to come which would knock me out [again], when..........................


This one was a cliffy. Just read on and please vote, comment. like or whatever...It really does help


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