Chapter 7 [part 2]

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OMG!!!!!...i love you on what's hot #19!!!!!...thank you so much for supporting this means a lot to me....  

I know I deserve a kick in the derriere for not uploading for so long...but my laptop went berserk and wouldn't start up.....  

This is part 2 of chapter 7...there is also a part 3....



I blushed ...and stepped out.

"Oh my!" Mrs.Storm exclaimed.

I was alarmed. Was I gonna get kicked out again?

"But you're so pretty!" she continued

I exhaled a breath of relief. Six hours in this house and I had not been kicked out. This was improvement.

"Sorry" Adrien snickered "Mum has a tendency to blab out whatever she is thinking"

Mrs.Storm glared at Adrien "Get out of the way and let me have a closer look at her". She looked me over and said,

"She is perfect for MY job" stressing on the 'my'. Whatever did that mean?

Mr.Storm who had been scrutinising me and had been silent all this time now spoke up "Nuh-uh Carla...What do you mean buy your job? She is the one for my job. Look at that perfect, angular face. She has such star quality" Mr.Storm argued.

"No way Derek....Look at those legs. They can deliver a skilled and lethal blow if trained properly" she shot back.

I looked down at my legs. They looked normal to me. And what was with all the skilled kicking?

I was looking at them as if they were speaking finnish. I was truly confused by now.

Then Mrs.Storm turned to Adrien and went "Adrien honey...tell your dad that she is the girl to work for me"

"um...well..yeah about that...i was thinking maybe Sirena could work for both of you?" Adrien replied.

wow!...the cocky player was at a loss of words.....

Mr. and Mrs.Storm were looking surprised at Adrien and finally Mr.Storm said "That's not a bad idea. It might just work. ...Smart son...never expected it from you"

I stifled a giggle and Adrien scowled.

"Just kidding" Mr.Storm said quickly.

"Even I'm fine with this idea" Mrs.Storm said, then took a look at my baffled expression.

"oh you poor must be so confused...come on we'll clear it all over dinner." she said

So we all proceeded to the dining hall and let me tell was one heck of a long walk...The house was really huge.

The dining table was vast and ancient witn intricate carvings. The cushions were a royal blue velvet.

Mr.Storm sat at the head of the table, Mrs.Storm to his right and Adrien to his left. I sat next to Adrien.  

Not by choice of course. The butler was the one who ushered me to this seat.

This was when my conscience butted in as always "But you like it..Don't deny it"  

"Shut up." I grumbled.

As soon as we sat down, waiters [yes, actual waiters, like in restaurants] came in and filled our wine glasses, and set the dinner began.

"Let's start with my profession...I work for an agency..a super-secret agency which elminated those who...umm..nedd to be eliminated, but don't have enough evidence against them. It is a government initiated agency and these people are eliminated so quietly, so secretly that no one evn realises that they are missing" I shuddered

"I have been promoted to director or head of this agency and need the perfect replacement for myself. This is where you come in. As soon as I set my eyes on you, I knew you were perfect. I will train you myself" she continued.

"Excuse me Mrs.Storm, but are you saying that I take your place and become a...secret agent?" I asked.

"Call me Carla dear, and that is exactly what I meant" she replied.

I was going to say I couldn't do it when Mr.Storm shot a pointed look at Mr.St..oops..i mean at Carla and she said "Oh! and Derek is directing a new film and wants to cast you in it. Also, he wants you to become his signature actress."

"Call me Derek..not Mr.Storm...It makes me feel too old" he said before I could say anything.

"Think about it dear...I know this is all moving too fast and is very sudden...but it is a great opportunity for you and also a learning will of course go to school...with Adrien. Decise wisely honey...Your future would also be secured...So...what do you say?" Carla asked.

I was too dumbstruck and just nodded.

"Yay! she said yes!" Carla shouted like an excited schoolgirl and went back to eating dinner happily. Derek was also grinning.

I, on the other hand, felt dizzy and I decided to go to bed early. Adrien too took leave and we both went to our floor.

I went into my room, quickly took a shower, brushed my teeth and changed into comfy cotton short-shorts and a tank top.

I was feeling tired and decide to go to bed early....  

which turned out to be a very bad idea........

**~DREAM [flashback]~**

Jayden and I had been dating for a year, but he was not as considerate as he was when we first began dating. I left it, thinking I was being paranoid. Jayden was also irresistable. Honey blonde hair and sharp crystal blue eyes. Which girl wouldn't fall for that?

It was my 15th birthday and Jayden chose this day to show his true colours.  

A small party had been planned for my birthday, but Jayden insisted on taking me somewhere 'special'. I should've known something was seriously wrong as soon as Jayden started becoming stubborn and forced me out of the house, without telling my then foster parents [the Carlsons..they wouldn't have cared anyway].....

But I was naive and trusted and loved Jay with all my heart. So I didn't protest and went along which turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.....

On my 15th birthday, I was forced to face the most horrendous situation, endure it for six months and have it haunt me throughout my life...

This is what happened on that fateful night when it all started.....


It's a cliffy...i know im bad...but i need to create some suspense...keep reading cuz the story gets more fast-movinf and please vote, comment and fan...also I need at least 25 votes before I upload the 3rd part of chapter 7...  


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