58. Beacon | چراغ

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The mountains surrounding the green patches of grass stood just as tall as they always would. The fog that had formed during the early hours of the morning had started lifting now and the tall trees could now be seen in all their glory. With everything attuned to the same routine, Neelum Valley was exuding the same coldness some of its residents possessed in their hearts. But the almost there rays of sun taking over the fog ensured that warmness was still there.

Looking at the sky and taking a long breath, Safa Hayat cinched her cashmere to ward off the cold, and fixed the dupatta neatly on her head. She had been informed that the school construction had been concluded and now here she was, standing in front of it, both grateful and amazed

The newly constructed building boasted off the beginning of a new journey for the many kids who weren't lucky enough to get their basic right before. Her eyes held admiration and a smile found its ways on her plump lips, which soon stretched into a full-fledged grin. It was after months that she had smiled to this extent. A genuine and heart full one.

Saying a silent prayer of thankfulness, she stepped inside the premises, the vastness of which gave her another satisfaction. She touched the walls and then moved towards the stairs that led to the first floor. Turning her face, she looked around in awe. That's when she felt it.

Someone's footsteps.

But instead of getting alarmed, she closed her eyes and reveled in the feel of it.

Of him.

He was standing right behind her now. And she knew. How could she not?

"It's done."

His deep voice hit her ears and that's when her eyes fluttered open. Steadily, she turned around and her gaze settled on him whose whole focus was only her with his hands akimbo.

"It is." She threw her gaze around. "Beautiful, isn't it?" She looked at him. "Starting of a new journey."

And them being here. At the starting point of a new journey. Together.

"It is." His lips curled up. That was the most smile you can get out of Azlan Shehryar. And that smile was only reserved for the people he held close to his heart.

And when the person is inscribed in every nook of your heart, it becomes all the more genuine and real.

"I'm just glad these kids are finally going to get their basic right now. Something that should be provided to every person without them even asking." Her mind ventured back to Mansha and how getting education had been reduced to just a dream for her. A forlorn expression settled on her face and he knew what she was thinking about. That much he could read her.

"Hey..." He took a step towards her but maintained a decent distance between. "It's alright. Mansha is doing fine now. I just talked to her the other day."

She looked at him instantly. How did he know she was thinking about Mansha?

This man was surprising her with every encounter. But she didn't ask. Something told her to leave it as it was. An unsaid connection between them. Voicing it out didn't feel right so she let it be their thing, hiding behind the curtains of whatever they possessed for each other.

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