27. Goodbye | الوداع

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Being the adamant and stubborn person that Safa was, she had shrugged off the idea Raina had put forward in front of her. She didn't need anymore disturbance in her life and with Ayyan being her topmost priority, she just wanted to give all her attention and care to him as of now. Her ownself was the least thing in her list.

Ayyan's condition was deteriorating initially but with the course of time, it had started getting better. The therapies had started working and she couldn't be more thankful to Almighty for that. He wasn't completely healthy but he was getting there and that's all that mattered for now.

Right now, the only task in her mind was to talk to Sameena and make her see sense of her decision of leaving. So, she made her way towards the lounge where everyone was having their evening tea. Raina had come to invite her five minutes ago but she had excused herself, saying she'd be there in a few minutes. She needed to muster enough strength to put her wish in front of a woman who had become her mother in no time.

The commotion in the lounge told her everyone was busy in conversations.

She cleared her throat to catch their attention. They all craned their heads in her direction.

"Ah, the queen is finally here to greet the peasants with her mighty presence and have her evening tea which, by the way, has gone cold now." Raina chirped, playfully, from where she was sprawled in the couch beside Azlan.

Sameena shook her head at Raina's theatrics and patted the space beside her on the sofa, indicating Safa to sit there.

"I need to talk to you about something." She came right to business once she was settled in the designated position, all the while fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve.

Azlan stared at her with scrutiny while Mr. Shehryar and Raina became attentive as well.

Sameena nodded her head calmly and intently, asking her to go on.

"I... umm... did a lot of thinking..." She was looking anywhere but her. "And finally came to a decision to move out." She held her breath once she had spat the words with great struggle and ordeal.

Sameena heaved an elongated sigh. "We've already talked about it, Safa. You ain't going anywhere."

The same authority; same finality.

Ugh. She hated it yet she loved it. So much.

"But, I'll have to someday, anyway, auntie. Then, why not today?" She asked. Almost like a plea.

"Because that day is not today." She turned away and scooped the cup in her hand as if that was the last nail in this topic and now it had been closed.

Safa held her hand, making her look towards her.

"Auntie, please. You have to understand me. It's not easy for me to live here when I'm very much aware that I can take care of myself on my own. I feel like exploiting your generosity and I also know you people don't think like that but I do and it's all on me. I need to move out for my own peace of mind. Please!"


"Let her go, mom." Azlan cut in.

"What?" Sameena stared at him with ire bulging in her hazel orbs.

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