24. Mirage | سراب

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Setting sun promises end and ending promises pain. But not always. Some endings are beautiful. No matter how agonizing the journey might be, destination could be as beautiful as the night sky galore with twinkling starts dusted over the glimmering moon.

Even though Ayyan had gotten his lost yet found family back, he still hadn't let go of Safa; keeping her close to himself. In his sight all the time. He had gotten used to her presence around him ever since he took admission in the school. She had always been that understanding teacher that always motivated him and loved him as if he were her own child. The love he had never gotten in his house. So succumbing to the outside world was his only resort. This is human nature.

You always go to people who love you. Even if they are strangers.

His father was also very well acquainted with the bond his son shared with his teacher. So not wanting to intervene, he didn't circle around him much. Ayyan had forgiven him and he didn't want to ruin anything for him now. His son deserved this much of liberty.

The entire day was spent with Mansha and Safa talking with him, playing with him, and conversing about random things. Mansha had told him about her joining the school and the look on Ayyan's face was worth million dollars on knowing his sister was finally doing what she had always dreamt of.

Everything was good but still nothing was good. There was happiness yet there was melancholy. There was hope which was nothing but a mirage.

"I think you should go now. It's already Maghrib (sunset) and you also don't know your way around the city. Don't wanna create any inconvenience for you. I'll spend the night here with Ayyan. Baba has already booked the room in hotel and will be back soon."

Mansha announced from where she was sitting beside Ayyan, ruffling her hand through his hair.

Safa wanted to protest but they were his family and she knew her limits. She didn't want to act like she cared more about him than they did which she did. She was still so scared about him. So terrified, her heart might as well just burst out.

With a heavy heart, she nodded. Both the siblings needed some alone time and she didn't want to prey.


Once done with his office work, he had gone to the hospital to check up on Ayyan. Also, he had to pick Safa up from there but on finding she had already left, his anger knew no bounds. She was his responsibility as long as she was staying at his place and he didn't want any dirt on his family's respectful name in case anything happened to her. The reason he had been keeping his torture tactics at bay. They weren't to be applied as long as she was living under their roof.

With his face contorted in exasperated expressions, he stepped in the palatial room and the next thing he heard didn't help lessen it either.

"Yeah, I was in so much daze that I was almost about to fall on the conductor as soon as I got up to leave the bus."

Safa's voice reverberated around the premises.

"Haye, conductor k mazey!"
(Ah, it must have been fun for the conductor!)

Raina chirped dreamily and Safa convulsed her head as she muttered "Astaghfirullah!"

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