"A Broken Cookie For Breakfast"

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As Niki was happily playing games at M/N's room,the boy was busy wondering why there were clothes in his closet and everything was in its original place.The other turned to him with confusion "Hey,aren't you gonna play with me?",M/N smiled as he went to him and sat next to him "Sorry for that,my tall child".Niki rest his head on his shoulder whilst playing with him "Hyung,do you ever regret being a k-pop fan?",M/N shook his head "Not once,well,I do regret spending my own savings on merch that I'll probably just use to flex.They give me temporary dopamine but its worth it,I even make sure to dust my albums and lightsticks when they get a little dirty".Niki laughed "Damn,you really are dedicated to be fan",he casually wandered off in the game and left M/N alone which made the fun they were having much more enjoyable.

Back at the dorm,Sunghoon was getting ready to visit his parents at the kitchen and noticed Jungwon passed by him "Where are you going,Jungwon?".The younger smiled "I'm gonna visit my family and Maeum,why?",the older shook his head "Nothing,I was just asking".He watched Jungwon disappear out the door and forcefully put his airpods in his slingbag,he combed his hand through his hair while sighing "Its okay,Sunghoon.Just calm down and keep your temper stable,don't get angry".He fixed his ruined hair before leaving,Jay shook his head as he watched from the couch "This is gonna be a rough competition for those two,they're already aware of their enemies".Jake was confused as he sat next to him "What do you mean?",Jay cleared his throat "Jungwon and Sunghoon are clearly at the top ranks in terms of how much they love M/N,that means that they're each other's competition".Jake nodded with pursed lips "Do you already have guesses who'll be with M/N?",Jay's head shook once again "They're at a tie,but this won't be easily resolved.This kind of tie requires for one side of the rope to pull harder and get the other side to lose,its basically romantic tug-of-war".Heeseung walked to them "What are you two talking about?",Jay casually spoke "I was just telling Jake here about the fact Sunghoon and Jungwon are at each other's throats because they both like M/N equally,they're having an unbreakable tie as well which will make their competition to steal his heart harder".Heeseung bit his lip "Isn't that bad for a well-acquainted group like us?",Sunoo tutted in disappointment "It doesn't work like that,hyung.A competition is a competition,but,this won't break the group apart if it stays hidden".Heeseung was about to speak before hearing the door close "Ah,I guess Sunghoon left already",Sunoo crossed his arms "Those two will be like immature kids at this rate,why won't they just be open about it with M/N and get this overwith?They're acting like this is serious situation,even if it isn't".Jake spoke in a suggestive tone "Maybe it is to us but not to then,we all know that if you love someone - you don't dare disappoint them.They don't want to make M/N see them that way,that's why they're being lowkey competitive ",Jay yawned "Enough about that,shouldn't we be doing something today?".Sunoo thought for a bit before his face lit up "Oh right,I remembered that M/N is a writer.He mentioned that he has a profile at this website called Wattpad where he makes actual books,I think he even told me that they've gotten into the Watty Awards but never got into the awarding shortlist",Heeseung raised his eyebrow "Are you meaning to say that we read his works without his permission?".Sunoo shrugged his shoulders "Its not like he'll know,I made an anonymous profile for each of us",they willingly took the risk and was instantly hooked after reading M/N's first book.

While the others were feeling positive,Jungwon radiated a distressed aura as he played with Maeum.Sunghoon,on the other hand,was mentally occupied because of his suspicions that Niki and M/N were doing something together that wasn't anywhere close to playing games,he tried his best to hide his shaking first but instantly calmed down when he saw his mother walk to him.Sunghoon smiled as he took the glass of cold water from her "Thanks,mom",she laughed "No need to thank me,I just had to make sure you're well-hydrated".Sunghoon spoke as she sat down "Oh right,I wanted to ask you about something",she turned to him "What do you want to ask?".Sunghoon pursed his lips "So I have feelings for this male fanboy of ours,I know you love me whatever I do or whoever I become and I like that.The only problem is that I don't have the confidence to ask him if he wants to make it official or not,I really need help on how to do exactly that",his mother snickered "Its not that complex,don't worry.She started teaching him on the many ways to ask someone to be an official partner,Sunghoon listened earnestly and made mental notes in his mind.As for Jungwon,he consulted not his family but rather - let his feelings out on his pet.He sighed "Maeum,how am I gonna be M/N's boyfriend if I act so cautiously?",his father peeked from the door with a small grin on his face "You can stop being careful and go for it,be bold in simple words".Jungwon held his heart as he composed himself "Appa!",he went to his son and sat next to him "You know,loving someone and having feelings for them is already a bold move.You have to be bolder to have that someone for yourself,taking the slow path sure is helpful but that means you'll have a harder time to take one's heart".Jungwon bit his lip "Well,how can I do that when he's older than me but also a fan?",his father chuckled "Stand up for him the same way he stands up for you,simple".At that moment,he received a call from Niki.Once he heard the reason he called,he instantly ran out and headed for M/N's house whilst Sunghoon called the other members as well.

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