"A Full Course Breakfast Served"

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Around three in the afternoon,M/N was at the dorm right next to where the Enhypen members lived and admired how everything was alike to his house.He looked at the magnificent view from the big window by the wall and admired how beautiful the city looked,Sunghoon walked in with a small smile and his hands in his pockets "Enjoying your new place,pop tart?".M/N turned to him with a blunt expression "You keep calling me new nicknames,hyung.Can't you stick with one?",Sunghoon shook his head "I am not gonna do that,I'll never settle for one".M/N went to him and pulled him close "Call me a new nickname and I'll kiss you,Hoon-ah",Sunghoon laughed "Go ahead,sugar".Almost instantly,he kissed him and Sunghoon could feel M/N raise him up.

Once M/N arrived at the couch,he placed Sunghoon down horizontally before pinning him down with his eyes looking at his lips "Do you want more kisses or have I taught you enough?".Sunghoon wrapped his arms around his neck "I think...no,I haven't learned enough",M/N smirked "You just want kisses,don't you?".Sunghoon nodded "Yes,yes I do",M/N wasted no time to kiss him but pulled away when he was about to kiss back "How about I do more than just kiss you?".Sunghoon tilted his head "What do you mean?",he blushed when he saw M/N take off his sweater and show off his bulky body "W-w-what are you doing?".The boy hummed as he leaned close to his neck "Just trust me,don't move either",he started sucking on his neck and left a single hickey whilst the other let out soft breaths filled with desperation.However,they heard a knock on the door and they instantly went off each other.Sunghoon used his jacket hood to hide the mark on his neck as M/N answered the door,Jungwon waved at him as he sported a small grin "Hi,hyung!Niki asked me to give you this slice of cake,we're eating cake right now and he wanted you to have some as well".M/N took it before turning to Sunghoon "You want some cake as well,Hoon-ah?",the idol shook his head "Its fine,I'm not that hungry".The fan went close to Jungwon and whispered in his ear "Get me another slice when I come there later,alright?",he received a nod for a response and closed the door as Jungwon went back to their group's dorm.M/N happily ate the chocolate cake and noticed that Sunghoon was looking at him "What?",he smiled as he used his pointer finger to get wipe the chocolate frosting on his cheek and teasingly licked it "Nothing,just tasting how sweet your personality is".M/N turned red and focused on his cake,on the other hand,Sunghoon was proud that he can effortlessly make M/N blush with just a single sentence.

Being the slight glutton he is,M/N went back in with another slice of chocolate cake on his plate.Sunghoon shook his head and walked to him "No no,you've had enough sweets today",he took it and pecked his lips "Let's save this for later,shall we?".M/N pouted "I want to eat it now,Hoon-ah",Sunghoon laughed "You may be cute but that won't be enough,cupcake".He went to place it in the fridge before hearing soft stomping,he went to M/N and lifted him up "I know you're upset,but enough is enough".M/N tried to use his cuteness to convince him but Sunghoon acted as if it didn't impact him "No means no,I mean it",he brought him to his room and laid him down.He went next to him and engulfed him in his arms "What am I gonna do with you,my little cutie?",M/N stayed silent which made Sunghoon lean close.He asked the question again as he looked in his eyes "What am I gonna do with you,my little cutie?Won't you answer me?",M/N pursed his lips "I'm upset with you,that means I won't answer you".He turned around but Sunghoon snickered at his response,he sweetly kissed his neck "Yah,are you that annoyed I stopped you from eating your cake?".M/N said nothing but Sunghoon knew it meant yes,he let go of him and looked around the room instead.He grinned when he saw a poster of him by the shelf for his albums "I didn't know you had a poster of me,I probably should sign it",M/N mumbled softly "Do whatever you want,you handsome bastard".Sunghoon turned to him "You called me a what?A handsome bastard?",M/N rolled his eyes "So?Its not like I'm lying,no?".Sunghoon crossed his arms "You really are a child,huh?",M/N scoffed "And if I am?".The idol cracked his knuckles "Then,you need to be disciplined",he pounced on the fan like a freed lion and started giving him a barrage of tickles.M/N squirmed as giggles left his mouth "S-s-stop,Hoon-ah!!",Sunghoon shook his head while smiling happily to tease him "I don't think I won't,a naughty child like you should be disciplined".When he felt satisfied,he stopped and went to admire the other things in the room like he didn't just tickle M/N mercilessly.He found a binder and saw a lot of photocards inside "You collected this much in just-",M/N smirked "Five months?Yes,yes I did".Sunghoon glared at him "How much did you spend to get all of these things?",M/N smiled awkwardly "Three hundred thousand Won.....ish?".Sunghoon spoke in an intimidating tone "Tell me honestly how much money you wasted for these things,come on",M/N sighed "Three hundred thousand Won and fifty thousand dollars for the foreign exclusive ones,I'm sorry".Sunghoon went to him and took his hand "Let's go to Heeseung-hyung and you tell the others about this,they deserve to scold you",M/N was reluctant but Sunghoon managed to drag him with all his strength so the boys could hear of such ridiculous thing.

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