Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of someone opening the door.

"Oh, did I wake you?" Vampire asked. I sat upright on the couch.

"No," I shook my head sleepily.


"Well, good then, cuz uh, it's afternoon now, and we're supposed to start serving the alcohol afternoon. None of us know how to make those, so it's time for you to get back to work," he explained. It was just then I realized he wasn't drunk, and he was speaking clearly. This happens barely ever.

I nodded a stood up slowly. Vampire walked over to me, and fixed my hair for me.

"There," he said. Then he turned and walked out of the room, and I followed. One of the customers greeted me as I came out of the backroom. Latte also turned to greet me.

"Hello! So Sparkling, we've all assigned jobs for ourselves for now. Cocoa's making the sugary drinks, I'm making the coffees, and Mint's making the teas. That leaves you to alcohol, which a few cookies want already. I told them to wait until Sparkling got here," she explained as she pointed to the cookie who greeted me, and one on the other side of the counter. I nodded and walked up to her.

"Thank you for your help by the way. I wouldn't have been able to do this shit today. Too fucking tired and "unfocused"," I mumbled.

"Of course! You looked like you needed a break," Latte smiled. I walked over to one of the cookies she pointed to.

"Hello there! Sorry for the delay. What can I get ya?" I smiled and leaned over the counter slightly. The cookie blushed and looked away, giving their order. I grinned and turned to head over to the shelves on the wall behind me.

I quickly made the drink they ordered, and went back over to them, handing them their drink with my signature wink, as usual. They smiled and gave me a $5 and two $1. I took it from them, putting it in the money jar below the counter, and walked over to the next cookie. This cookie was the one to greet me when I came in. She was no longer sitting, and was standing as if she was about to leave.

"Hello there, ma'am, what can I get ya?" I grinned.

This cookie was very pretty, and seemed familiar. She had her hair tied into a low pony tail, but at first I couldn't tell, because of how curly it was. Her hair color was a dark purple and black, that reminded me of the night sky. She also had beautiful purple eyes, and a few freckles on her cheeks and nose. The freckles were barely visible though, on her darker colored skin. She wore a black top and a wavy dark blue skirt, that came to her knees. She wore a pair of black high heeled boots to top it off.

"Oh, actually I was just about to leave, but if you could make me something quickly, I can stay for a bit longer. I'm not in that much of a rush," she explained. I noticed her hair was flowing, like it would if she was in wind. We were inside however, and there was no wind.

I blinked and repeated my question.

"Um, so what can I get ya?"

The cookie sat back down on the chair, as she gave a very specific order. I nodded and followed her directions. I've never made a drink like this before, and I don't know it's name.

When I was finished, I handed her the drink. She grinned and took the drink, taking a sip of it.

"Oo, you made it better than I do! Thanks, I'll come here more often now!" She beamed, and handed me a $10.

"Keep the change," she stood up. I took the money from off the counter and put it in the jar.

"Um, you're Moonlight Cookie, right-?" I mumbled. She turned back to me and nodded.

Special Friend - A Sparkling x Herb Fanfiction [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now