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"Where the hell have you been?!"

Taehyung's eyes widen as he finds himself face to face with a very upset Jin and a flabbergasted Jhope close behind him. Giving them a strange look, Taehyung answers them a bit tentatively.

"What do you mean? I was--"

Or at least, he tries to.

"Never mind, we need you."

Ignoring the slight annoyance at the way Jin quickly cut him off, Taehyung tries to resist as Jin grabs him by the arm and starts to promptly pull him into the club.

"What are you doing?" he demands, but it's almost as though Jin cannot hear him. His face is set and determined, the clear signs of a man on a mission. In other circumstances, perhaps Tae would have gone along willingly. Maybe he would have joked around and teased Jin for his current unlikely demeanor.

Today, he finds himself too frustrated to care.

"Tae," At the soft voice of Hoseok, both Jin and Tae freeze in their tracks, turning to him. Jhope gives Jin a stern look and Jin rolls his eyes before reluctantly letting Taehyung go. Despite whatever pressing matter, they need him for, Jin was quite enjoying himself. Hoseok looks to Tae, his eyes sad and worrisome, a look that tells Taehyung all he needs to know.

"It's Yen."

Two words.

Two words is all it takes to capture his full attention.

Thoughts of their former conversation and the way she left flash through Taehyung's mind as he follows Jin and Jhope through the crowd. He can't imagine what happened to her that they would need him, and if he's being really honest, he's slightly afraid to see what happens when he faces her.

But none of that matters.

Because if she needs him, he will always be there.

When they come to a stop near the bar, Taehyung's eyes widen at the sight.

Namjoon and Jojo are there, Namjoon clearly drunk and Jojo trying her best to keep him from falling out of his chair. Sunoh is on the other side of the bar, rolling his eyes as he polishes a glass and occasionally glances over in concern at the limp body next to the bizarre pair.


Taehyung knows it's her. That's her build, her hands, her hair. Even the way she is balancing precariously on the edge of her seat is just like her. His eyes have drunk in every detail, and every flaw. Even if they were in a crowd of people, his eyes would find her and latch onto her, the rest of the world fading away.

She periodically looks up, muttering some incomprehensible nonsense, or will have a weird giggle fit with RM beside her. Sometimes she will turn to any stranger who dares to sit on her other side and flirt with them incessantly. Granted, the flirting is perhaps the worst you've ever seen, considering her drunken state isn't helping matters. At one point, she turns to a man with one eyelid drooping and the other eye extremely crazed.

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