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Taehyung should have never agreed to this.

"Catch me if you can!" Just as soon as she says the statement, she starts humming to the catchy song with the same name, dancing incomprehensively for a moment before running a bit further down the sidewalk, away from Tae.

He walks at a slower pace, only hurrying when she vanishes out of his field of vision, or when she strays into the street. This has happened five times in counting and he has just saved her from another near-death experience before she dancing away from him once more. Sighing, he watches as she precariously balances herself on the curb.

"What are you going to do if you get run over?" He calls out to her, unable to erase the growing grin on his face.

Even while she's drunk, she still manages to look adorable. Eyes widening at the forbidden thought, he forces the smile away and allows his eyes to stray from her. He can't afford it, whatever feelings are beginning to stir within his chest, he can't afford to have them. At least, not right now. It's not fair to her, after everything they are going through.

While his attention is focused on something besides her, Yen takes the opportunity to go on a new venture which he wouldn't have allowed her to take. She staggers almost giddily over to a small wall separating a convenience store from the main sidewalk. It reaches her midsection, so it's not that high, but she feels as though her tightrope requires an upgrade albeit a small one.

However, when she finally manages to get up and stand on the slab of brick and mortar, she wobbles, nearly tipping over and falling no doubt graciously on the concrete sidewalk. She never gets the chance to see if she could have regained her balance on her own, for Taehyung is immediately by her side, catching her and helping her down from the wall.

Yen lets out a giddy laugh from the extreme rush after the near fall, while Tae wonders at the fact that she hasn't managed to break a leg or something. Sighing, he sits her down on the wall, cradling her body between his arms so that he can look her straight in the eye. She smiles as he does, poking his nose before playing with the tendrils of his hair absentmindedly.

"What would you have done if I wasn't here?" he asks her, taking her hands so that she won't she distracted and can pay attention to him. Though it proves to be counterproductive. She plays with his fingers instead, unaware of the way it makes his heart beat faster, a strange tantalizing feeling erupting within his gut. He swallows hard, trying his best to keep his composure as she shrugs herself, looking up at him innocently.

"Well...you're here aren't you?" Taehyung blinks in surprise at the simple response, his face going slack and his grip around her gentling from a callous, firm hold to a tender, amorous touch. She tilts her head, those eyes holding his with a captivating stare. "So I don't have to worry about that right now."

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