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019. meddling

Tapping his foot impatiently became a habitual thing every time he sees people wasting his time.

In the current scenario, Kai was supposedly squeezing information out of the Marine fallen under his jurisdiction. And just like any Marine who gets too comfortable with their lower ranks— they were proven to be of no use.

And that's not even discrimination anymore, it was simply the truth.

They pursue careers such as being a Marine officer, but lack the proper desire to exceed in it. In other words, workers who lack the backbone. They are typically the ones who easily gets intimidated by appearances alone, they are usually the loud ones when superiors aren't around.

"You did say that it went directly to Fleet Admiral Sengoku, did you not?" Kai was starting to lose his patience.

"Indeed, sir!" The Marine cried out. Why was he crying?

"I sent over 200 people from the wanted organization of Baroque Works, even pinned the bounties on their foreheads— and you mean to say that it's not entirely acceptable?" At this point, Kai still managed to keep a leveled tone.

"That's what the Admiral said, sir—"

"I said to directly report to the Fleet Admiral, did I not?" Kai narrowed his eyes.

"But Admiral Akainu went to promote his authority and we had no say into what had to be done—"

"I didn't ask for you to entertain the Admiral. They don't have the authority to stop whatever direct business someone has with the Fleet Admiral-- you simply allowed him because you were intimidated." Kai drew out a harsh breath, collecting himself.

The Marine lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry. . ."

"Well, a sorry isn't going to cut it." Now, Kai could take a good guess that the certain Admiral was up in his business. He liked sticking his nose in things that shouldn't concern him. But it was to be expected, since out of all the Admirals— Akainu had always proved himself to be the nosy one.

There was a short pause as Kai skidded his feet, burying the heel of his shoes into the fresh soil of an island he came to collect bounties from.

"I have 2 commands for you." He started, and the Officer knew right away that it wasn't going to end well. "Ready the ship for shipping."

"And the other, sir?" The Marine Officer was determined to avoid disappointing the boy again.

"Get me a large sack. I'll bring these to Sengoku myself." Kai glanced at the Pirates he had captured, only those with bounties already.

"What will be the status, sir?"

The boy turned away to face south, watching as the water gives cruel waves to the shore, reminding him that he wasn't in the good part of the Grand line. This will be a good opportunity to reposition.

"The status will be; they're all heads. Quite literally." Kai told in his usual monotonous tone, making it seem like nothing. "Draw an 'x' on the dead or alive bounty I pinned on their foreheads."

No wonder they classified the bounty he collected as 'not entirely acceptable'. It seems like even the Marines had some false sense of morality, when really— it was unnecessary in their line of work. Kai would have preferred it more if they were as professional as they claim to be.

The Officer swallowed thickly. He didn't have the stomach for this— but disobeying Kai overtook his former fear. He can't take the risk of having his head join the Pirates.

"Which part of the word, sir?"

"Obviously the alive part. Let him know beforehand that I'll be bringing deattached corpses." Kai informed as he walks towards the docks. "It may come off as a surprise to him."

This should give them a message.

This should give them a message

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000000. confrontation

Kai storming into the headquarters dragging a rather large sack behind him was the last thing that Sengoku expected to see that day.

He didn't expect to see him back so soon. "Kai, what brings you here?"

"A problem." The boy stated bluntly before putting the tied sack down, loosely reaching for his alcohol spray before disinfecting himself. Sengoku reached for his drawer and pulled out a new fresh pair of his gloves and handed it to him, earning a small nod of acknowledgement.

"What kind?"

"It's about the bounties." Kai started, showing his displeasure about it. "I heard it wasn't entirely acceptable. I'd like for you to elaborate."

"That was Sakazuki's point." Sengoku shook his head. "And I honestly see where he's coming from."


"I don't think it's very appropriate," the older man started rather hesitantly. "You're a role model to the public, you set the bar high. But releasing a statement that you heightened your bounty count by. . . Deattaching actual heads of criminals— I don't think it's something that parents would want for their children to know about how the Marines do their work."

"I do my job, and my job isn't to please the public or inspire little kids to play hero." Kai gritted his teeth. "The Marines exist to cause terror, more specifically to pirates to disencourage other people from ever considering that path. How are the Marines supposed to achieve their goal if you keep overlooking the main point of this organization's existence."

Sengoku sat back, considering his words. Originally, he didn't want to release any information about Kai since he had wanted for the boy to be looked up to by the civilians and perhaps— future Marines. He wanted for him to have a good name to other people.

But during his whole intentions of pinpointing Kai as the future Fleet Admiral, as he considers him most suitable— he momentarily failed to acknowledge just what their future really needs.

Sighing, Sengoku admitted his defeat. "You're right." He has seen things that are far more brutal before, and he should be proud that Kai wasn't afraid to do actions, he never strays from his views. That was a very commendable thing.

"Admiral Akainu doesn't know what he's doing, if he continues this way— I might have to do something about it." There was something dark that added up to his monotonous tone, it was laced with a twinge of malice and promises.

He was aware of how the man was listening in to their conversation at this very moment.

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