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000. kai chisaki


Garp looked at the boy who patiently held Dragon's hand, he had calm eyes that was unnervingly too composed for what the situation has to offer, and not to mention, he carried himself like an old man who went through enough things to know about the world. In short, he was no ordinary kid that Garp has ever seen.

"You want me to raise your boys?" Garp asked in disbelief, eyes wandering from the oldest child to the little infant in Dragon's arms. "I haven't heard from you in years and now you want me to raise your spawns?"

Dragon held a neutral look with the hard stony expression he adapted, "It would dangerous for them if anyone finds out that they are somehow related to me. They're your grandkids, would you really allow harm to come their way?"

His statement had successfully made way, Dragon knew just how much Garp valued his family connections, especially those who bears the same surname as him.

Casting a glance at the eldest boy who stared up to him with those same unemotional eyes as Dragon, he came into one conclusion upon accepting the fact that he will take in his grandkids.

He will make sure that they will become Marines.

reborn ; one piece : bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now