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033. world noble

Did Kai anticipate for his future trip in Sabaody Archipelago to be spent looking over snobs of a Celestial Dragon who dearly believes themselves to be superior?

Of course he did. He anticipates everything, but this was certainly beyond his expectations.

Although he has already seen what a Celestial Dragon could be, nothing still disappoints him more than seeing such self-entitled people who claim to have power when in reality-- they are the weakest. He hated them, truly at the bottom and utter surface of his dry ice of a heart.

"Hey, you there," Speak of the devil. "Get me something to put my legs over!"

If this was the same Kai from about a few months ago, he would be fighting for his life-- trying not to retort or lose his patience so easily. But fortunately for the snobbish nobel, Kai was a new man. He had worked on his patience, thus, is more tolerant with a certain cautious distance.

Although he did not come here directly to serve these creatures, he still had no choice but to play along if he wanted things to turn out smoothly. He reminded himself that it was not yet the time to blow his cover and accidentally kill the Celestial Dragon. Well, to be honest-- it wouldn't be an accident.

Kai actions on taking a log of wood, but the snobbish man spoke up before he could, "No, no." The creature said. "I don't want some dirty log."

Kai kept a calm composure as he gazed over the noble, choosing not to speak knowing his tone would be too harsh for the noble's liking. Not to mention, he would have to address him as, 'My lord', and he would rather kill the noble than address him as a higher being.

"Get that woman," The Celestial Dragon pointed at one of the people who made way for his human carriage, all avoiding meeting his eyes. He really enjoyed picking on those people. "She would make a fine leg rest."

How cruel. Refusing a log due because he originally wants a human to rest his legs on? What more did he want over his collection of servants? He was abusing his privilege.

Kai didn't speak up about it though, knowing that if he did, his plan would already be right out the window because he was not sure if he would even tolerate the man any further.

He was heartless, yes. He was simply driven by his own ambitions.

He went through with it, snapping his fingers. "You heard him." They didn't budge. He didn't want to get his hands dirty or soiled with meaningless matters, he wanted them to do it themselves. He could not be bothered.

The Celestial Dragon tapped his foot impatiently, snot threatening to drip.

"If you don't bring her over this instance, the great Celestial Dragon will be severely unhappy." Kai hinted sarcasm, the noble was just too dense to figure the tone of his words, basking in too much with his title and authority.

The people hesitantly began to force the woman to step forward, helpless knowing that despite they didn't want to put an innocent human being in the holds of a Celestial Dragon-- they had no other choice for they themselves had families to go home to. They could only follow the Celestial Dragon's desires and listen to the Vice-Admiral's command.

How can some Marines be so heartless if they claim to be the good people? How could this man before them be considered good when he was too disturbingly calm at such situation? Does he not have a hint of humanity in him? How could he possibly just enable it?

The woman wept as she pleaded for her life and freedom, knowing that at the end of the ride, her importance would no longer be relevant and that she would join th3 collection of countless slaves displayed on shelf.

She looked up at the Vice-Admiral who stared down at her with his indifferent golden eyes, eyes that was far more colder and dangerous than the Celestial Dragon's.

How can such a powerful Marine serve such a cruel person?

"Please!" She still tried. "I have a family! Please don't let him do this!" She pleaded, eyes matching a waterfall. She was hysterical beyond repair, getting into the Celestial Dragon's nerves.

Kai narrowed his eyes. He could not understand her, too incapable to. If there was something he did not exceed in, it would be the understanding of why people can lose control over themselves this way. He can never picture himself at this state, he would very much rather die than cry and weep so openly. Completely powerless.

"Just obey." He said coldly. As cold as it sounded, he was actually just giving a piece of advice. If she obeys obediently, then she would still have a chance of getting away alive. After all, that's all what powerless people could do. He was, in a way, helping her. Just not in the way she and her mind could comprehend.


She was forced to face the ground as the Celestial Dragon's feet sat on her back. She was hysterically crying, constant hiccups came out, and her body was shaking too much. In the end, the Celestial Dragon grew too annoyed with her and kicked her on the side, making her fall off.

"Good for nothing!" The creature cursed. "Marine, get rid of her."

This was possibly the best scenario left for her. For Kai to dispose her and for her to be undesirable to the world noble.

The carriage went on and Kai remained standing, looking down at the woman who's eyes widened in fear as he looked at her with unreadable eyes. He was completely heartless, she figured. He was, perhaps, much more cruel than the world noble she feared so much.

"Please, I have a son. . . H-He needs me!"

Kai narrowed his eyes at her. "How old is he?" Is he supposed to be interested before giving her her end? Fine, he'll indulge her in her desperate ways of trying to escape.

"6! He's turning 7 this week." She cried, making Kai sigh in exasperation. Today was too hectic, he wishes he just made the ground swallow up the world noble and call it an accident. "Please! Ple--"

With a simple graze of touch, she disassembled. Disturbingly. He disguised it with a haki coated finger. He then sighed and slipped his gloves back on, staring at the crowd in annoyance. "Scatter." And that, they did, fearfully. Leaving only him in the middle of the street.

People tend to have the common misconception of him, convinced that they already know what kind of person he was. Cruel, heartless, devoid of sympathy. . . But they were not exactly right. Yes, he was cold-hearted, but not completely heartless. His ambition is to make the world an equal place, that should say enough about him.

He hates touching particles of what remains of the people he disassembled, but it's about time he experiments anyway, in gesture of doing a favor for himself as well.

He uses his palm and within seconds, the woman came back to life. It just happened as easy as it sounded.

He glances a short second at her, confirming his actions before he walked away casually as if nothing had happened, his hands buried in his pockets. He left her in shock and with enough time to process what just happened and how she was just dead a few seconds ago.

He may not grant mercy to those who openly claims they know the world, but he does give chances to those who are simply trying to live and get by in life without stepping on people.

He can kill, bring back the dead, and pretty much do everything he wants. In this world, saying he was God would be a mere understatement.

And the first step to restore world evolution? He has to get rid of the so-called Gods of this society first, one of the things that causes the imbalance. But he actually wants to take his time with them, he wants to make it more. . . Brutal.

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