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030. kai's lesson

The next island was normal.

At least on the exterior alone, but Kai knew better than to assume that the little island with brick buildings was just any friendly town. He has been here before, more than once actually.

When he wants to get things done, the best way to learn about the system of the pyramid is by experiencing it firsthand.

"Woah, this looks so. . . Normal." They said in awe.

An old woman passed by them, offering them a nice smile as she brought along a little knitted basket filled with fruits. "My, new visitors?" She sounded like what any nice old woman would sound. She was wearing a purple dress with a scarf, there was also a notable green line on her cheek. Perhaps a tattoo.

"Good day, we're here visiting!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Have a taste of our island's best fruit, you'll enjoy it here." She said with a warm and pleasant smile. "Here, I'll give this to you." She hands them all each a big and plump pear, it looked in great condition.

Their eyes sparkled before nodding at her profusely. "Thank you, granny!" They exclaimed. She merely waved her hand before going her merry way down the cemented streets.

Kai didn't bother glancing at them. He can't actually believe how easily moved they were.

"This isn't poisoned, isn't it?" Zoro arched a brow as he looked at the pear. As tempting as it looked, it was important to be cautious of unwanted kindness.

"A nice old woman like that? You're too cruel, Zoro!"

"Nothing comes for free." Kai spoke up before it escalates into an annoying fight. He really wasn't up to hear another pointless bickering. He was already using so much of his patience to be around them.

"It's poisoned?!" Frankly exclaimed.

"No." The Vice-Admiral shook his head, sighing before taking a bite of the pear, demonstrating how it wasn't poisoned rather than speaking.

It was fresh, clean, and indeed plump. It was freshly harvested and washed thoroughly, truly a civilized town.

They took it all as a go sign after seeing Kai still breathing and very much alive.

They were enamored.

Kai could guarantee that they won't be so mesmerized in the future.

"Follow me." He bluntly stated, leading the way as he walked towards a particularly empty building he uses whenever he's in the island.

It was a brick house, not a literal building. It was a brick house, one that you would often find inside a town within a castle.

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