Joshua Amante

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2:18 am

Death-Cast called Joshua Amante at 12:23 am to tell him he was going to die today and the first thing he thought of was to visit the computer cafe nearby and drown himself in Valorant.

When his classmates played to pass the time, he got invested by the colorful graphics and the special abilities mechanic. But he stayed for the killing primarily. He also got others into it as well.

Essentially, it was a huge game in his school, and he was proud to spearhead its rise in popularity there.

It became a chore, then a habit, then an obssession. He stayed home most of the time to play in the PC. He even improved his setup at home, only to get kicked out once his parents found out about his declining grades.

Even his dad supported it, despite him being the one who passed down the gamer gene to him.

He took a couple side jobs here and there. Later on, he stole his things (which were packed into boxes) from his own house and stayed in a motel whose owner took pity of him.

He was in a stable condition: he had food, water, a roof under his head, some clothes, a job, money, and what he wanted. "Take that, mom," he would mutter every now and then.

So when Death-Cast called him, he wasn't crying or screaming like most were. He planned on spending the last day his way.

It was his addiction and if he was going to die today, then might as well die knowing that he shot several avatars in the head and hummed in satisfaction to his enemy messages reeking of rage.

But a thief broke into the motel and stole off most of his valuables. It was a minor setback, until he ran out of money to use in the internet cafe.

Luckily, one of the cafe's patrons was watching him play. He begged some money off of him, much to the patron's annoyance.

"Bayaran ra tika," he had said to the one who gave him fifty pesos. I'll pay you later.

Obviously, it was a lie. There won't be any "later".

He paid the owner and got back to the game.

While waiting for a match, he said a small thank you to the boy who saved his life.

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