Reader X Kyoya :: Rivalry

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This One-Shot is inspired by the anime "My Little Monster."


"Hm? Kyoya, you seem drained out today." Tamaki frowned.

"It's nothing" Kyoya replied. His skin was pale, there was bags under his eyes, his eyes pierced into the host's souls.

"He was up all night studying, probably" Haruhi narrowed her pupil-less eyes to the side, un-amused.

"Why do you need to study more? You're already smarter than most people in Ouran" Hikaru said.

Kyoya glared at him as everyone jumped back.

"You don't understand" He grunted as dark aurora surrounded him.

"She's still better..."


"Who's "she?"


You are the most apathetic, dispassionate, careless and laziest person when it comes to school. Yet, the most knowledgeable, educated, and smartest.

You're a commoner who came to Ouran from a scholarship, you got such a high score on the exam that Mr.Suoh was impressed by it and wanted you in the school.

But, to keep your enrollment as an honor student, you have to be in the top of the class, or at least, close to the top.

You were able to skip a grade and to 2nd year of high school, with the same classes of Tamaki Suoh and Kyoya Ootori.

Everyone in your grade thinks of you and Kyoya as rivals since you two were two of the smartest people in Ouran.

They even picked sides.

The thing is, you don't even care. You didn't come to Ouran to stress yourself out by competing against an Ootori, you're too lazy to put up with that.

You're even too lazy to go to school. You skip class, A LOT.

You only go to class when there's an exam or when you actually have to, because you already learn most of this stuff.

Today was one of those days when you have to go to school, exam week.

You didn't like the uniforms, so you're wearing black skinny jeans, a loose white collar shirt that is tucked into your pants with the sleeves rolled up to your elbows, black combat boots that are slightly muddy, and you're carrying a black sweater/jacket/cardigan in your arms in case it gets cold.

Your outfit was classy, cool, and simple in a way.....except the mud on your boots.

You came to class on time and sat in your usual desk, which was right next to Kyoya's.

He came into the room and sat in his desk, slightly giving you a glare before turning his attention to the front.

The exams started.

*A day later*

"Alright class! I will be giving out the graded tests from yesterday!" The teacher announced.

She gave everyone their tests back.

Kyoya looked at his grade and smirked, he turned his gaze at your paper when your attention was out the window.

He gave a hopeless look,

"You would've gotten a good grade if you wrote your name" He stated.

You looked at him then to your paper and saw a red circle around the line where you were supposed to write your name.

"Doesn't matter" You shrugged and looked out the window again.

You answered all the questions correctly, but you got a zero for not writing your name.

"One careless mistake can effect your whole grade" He smirked

"If this school was really a high standard academy, they wouldn't judge my knowledge by knowing if wrote my name on a nappy line" You said as you rested you elbow on the back of your chair.

"Right?" You asked

His smirk disappeared from his face and he narrowed his eyes to yours, giving off a competitive look.

You did the same and your gazes are locked to each other.

Everyone in the room was watching your stare off as they started to see lightning static striking between you two.

The electricity you two were creating could've caused a blackout in Tokyo.

Anyways, he was the first to break the stare off.

"You sure are interesting, but I'll be the one to take place in the top of the class" He pushed up his glasses.

"Okay" You replied emotionless. Everyone in the room fell from their chairs, face first.

Kyoya's glasses flashed in confusion, "What?"

"I don't really care much about this school, so do as you like" You said while spinning your pencil around.

He just sat there, in shock.

Kyoya has one hell of a rival. One who doesn't have an effort in trying, yet is still better than him.

"I can't believe I have to compete against you" He sighed.

Just as the class rang, you instant got up from your seat and towards the door.

Before you walked out, you winked and stuck your tongue out at him cutely and left the room.

Everyone in the class had their eyes wide open and instantly turned to Kyoya to see his reaction.

He had his eyes wide open also, but,

with a hint of pink in his cheeks.

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