Reader X Kyoya :: Rivalry (Scene 2)(PART 2)

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"Good Morning! Kyoya-senpai!" A girl cheerfully greeted the elite boy.

"Good Morning, Miss." He smiled.

He was surrounded by a bunch of girls.

"I feel sorry for them." You walked away from your class, the opposite direction of where the crowd was.

You just finished a test and now you just want to go chill somewhere.

Turning your head slightly back, you still saw him there with the crowd of girls, smiling. It kinda scared you, how convincingly happy and nice he looks. He could've killed someone but can easily hide it with a heartwarming smiled.

You turned back to the direction you were walking.

"I can't blame them....the girls I mean...." You mumbled. You, the smartest girl in the grade got fooled by him, kind of.

You wished to expose him to everyone, so they won't get fooled by him. Because you actually handled the situation quite well, but you don't know if other girls could react the same way. They might take that personally and seriously that they'll get heartcramps for a while.

Unlike you, who has a hard head and a heart of gold.

You exited the building and walked outside to the courtyard, taking a seat at a bench whilst listening to your music.

Thinking, overthinking, paranoid thinking, complex thinking, midway to existential crisis.

Stopping yourself from getting too deep into thinking, you then realized something.....What if Kyoya was victimized?

"What if Kyoya was victimized....."You thought.

Weird question, considering that he manipulated you. Pssh.

But, this did make you think about it.

That time, when you both were at the roof, you asked him about part of his life. How he was stressed, unhappy, about his strict family, him being judged, and all of these personal things.

You saw it in his eyes, you could read him, those were really true. He did seem as if he was victimized...If he was faking it, then, fine.

"But in what form of opression that makes him act this way...?" You thought.

After school has ended, you went home, obviously.

Kyoya was at the host club room, but he was acting rather unusual.

He was sitting by the window at a small table when normally, he would stand around and write in his notebook. It seems like he was dosing off into the scenery, which was pretty rare to see.

He then closed his eyes and remembered something his father told him a long time ago.


"Kyoya." Yoshio Ootori said to his 10 year old son.

"How do you act when you see someone getting hurt or in need of help?" He asked.

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