Reader X Honey :: Savior

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A/N: Is it me, or does Honey-Senpai look extremely hot when he's serious?


"Alright, please put it there!" Tamaki instructed as the delivery men carried the boxes.

The hosts were having an event for hosting in the following day, so they are getting it set up.

"Tamaki, the 60 ton pinball is right downstairs" Kyoya said.

"Why the hell did you order a 60 ton pinball?" Haruhi sweatdropped.

"Our theme for the event is a "Ancient Temple." So we have to make things look abandoned and creepy!" Tamaki replied.

"We're having this in the main rooms of the academy, don't you think that this is weird people out?" Haruhi asked.

"Well, we are going to be hosting for the open public. So they could just play along"


"Welcome~" The host club greeted the customers.

"Oh how cool! The place looks amazing!" The girls yelled.

"That 60ton pinball though~" The twins sang and pointed at the huge metal ball behind them.

"It's supposed to be a booby-trap for whoever tries to take away the teasure" Kyoya acted.

Haruhi sighed.

The hosts did their thing that they always do with the customers. Everything seemed to be going pretty well.

After a while, a girl was chatting with some of her friends. She leaned against the 60ton pinball and SOMEHOW managed to move it. It slowly started to roll it casted a huge shadow over everyone in the room, who was in complete utter shock.

"Oh my god, RUN~!!!!" Everyone sarted running out of the room.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The twins were the most freaked out about it that they ran in front of everyone, while crying, and jumped out the window safely.

"It's rolling faster!" Haruhi yelled while running away.

"If you don't wanna get squished, then KEEP RUNNING!"

Honey then tripped and fell onto the floor.

"Honey-senpai!!!" They all yelled.

"Mitsukuni!" Mori tried to save him but the ball was already close to him.

Honey nearly got ran over, but that was until a mysterious girl grabbed him and carried him from it. And that girl was Y/N L/N....which is you...basically.

You quickly knocked over a huge bookshelf that fell in front of the rolling pinball which happened to stop it.

"Sorry that I just ruined a nice bookshelf, but I couldn't just keep it rolling until it stops on a human body instead." You told the hosts while setting Honey down, who then plopped onto the floor.

"I-It's fine. We'll pay for it, it's also for saving everyone and our friend" Kyoya stated.

"Mitsukuni" Mori tried to comfort Honey, who ignored and stayed silent in shock.

You hopelessly smiled, "I gotta go now, see you"

You ran off.

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