Reader X OOC!Host Club :: Done with You

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You've been friends with the Host Club for several years. You knew them since you guys were pretty young; from grade school, to be exact.

All of you went to Ouran Academy together--well, you and the twins went in on the same year.

The boys decided to join/form a Host Club at the school. They invited you to join them, but, it wasn't your thing. Sometimes, you would watch them do the hosting. To be honest, it made you confused, cringe and embarassed at first. You then got used to seeing their crazy antics.

At the moment, you were walking towards the Third Music Room. You haven't seen them in weeks due to the amount of work you had to do.

You peaked through the small opening of the doors and saw the Host Club entertaining their customers. But...their style....changed...a bit.

Let's say that they've gotten quite close to the cutomers.

Tamaki was kissing one of his customers while having other girls lay on him.

The twins had their arms wrapped tightly around some girls while resting their chins on their shoulders, whispering stuff into the girls' ears wihle the girls were blushing and smiling cluelessly.

Kyoya looked the most creepiest (in your opinion). He a doing an act with one of the customers in which she had her back pressed against the wall while he leaned over her. The other customers were squealing.

Mori was doing this tease act in which he was just putting his face near the customer's face, romantically gazing into their eyes.

Honey looked pretty normal, eating cake this all the girls until....

"You have something on your lips" He said.

"Wha--! Excuse me--" The girl was about to grab a napkin until he stopped her and kissed her lips, licking the icing off of it.

"KYAAA! Amazing!" Her friend squealed.

And lastly, Haruhi was nowhere to be seen. Same goes for you since you shuffled away.


It was 5pm and club activites were supposed to be over.

You then walked towards the third music room again and kicked down the door, "THE FUCKING QUEEN HAS RETURNED PEASANTS!" You yelled while red aura waved behind you.

"Oh hey Y/N" The twins greeted.

"Also, queens don't curse" Kyoya added while writing stuff down into his notebook.

"Actually, a queen doesn't take shit from anyone so...."

"Y/N-chan! I haven't seen you in a while!" Honey was about to glomp on you. You remembered what you saw earlier and then dodged him.

"GET AWAY YA NASTY!" You screamed.

"Wahh!" Honey cried as he flew past you.

"A-Anyways...what's with you guys?" You asked the hosts.

"Not much. But we did change the way we host though" Kyoya said.

"I know I saw and got uncomfortable then walked away" You replied bluntly.

"What was with that? Honestly...." You grunted.

"We got bored" Hikaru replied.

"We were tired of all of the fluffy lovey-dovey stuff that we had to take it up a notch" Kaoru added.

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