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And she did.
She fought until she collapsed, unable to fight.

Mai frowned.
'She could be dead.'

She thought back to her own many matches.

If this was a fight to the death it would have been ended quicker,
Bakugou wouldn't have been as cautious because even if he was touched the cage around the arena would have prevented him from floating away.
He would have been able to use a large explosion like the one he just used to kill her.

Mai shook her head, trying to expell her discusting thoughts.
'This isn't the arena, and no one is going to die.'

Midoriya got up and left to visit Uraraka leaving Mai alone watching other matches.

But eventually Mai got bored, and tired of her mind assessing everybody, and the likelyhood of their death.

So she stood up and walked aimlessly around the halls.
Until she heard heavy footsteps and smelled a hint of smoke.

She turned to see Endeavor himself, covered in flames behind her.

Red and orange light danced across the dark walls as he stood,
watching her.

"Did you need something?"
She asked.

"You're Mai Rika aren't you?"
He asked.

"Yes? And you are endeavor."

"I heard about you and your past, Champion."

Mai whipped around.
"Don't call me that."
She hissed her eyes flashing red.

'I have a high heat tolerance likely a part of my quirk.
and I've fought fire quirks before, likely not as strong as his but I'll manage.
If I have to fight him I'd have to end it as quickly as possible get close before he can use to much of his fire-
Shit... I'm doing it again.'
She frowned at herself.

"Old habits are hard to break aren't they?"
Endeavor asked, noticing what she was doing.

She rolled her eyes.
"What do you want?"
She hissed out every word.

"To make you an offer."

Her eyes nerrowed.

"you have beaten people twice your size so you must have a powerful Quirk
but you don't have a family, so what are you planning on doing after you finish school?
You would have to immediately get some sort of job to take care of yourself correct?"

"Where is this going?"
She asked suspiciously.

"Marry my son, Shoto."

She scoffed.
"Excuse me?"

"With a combination of you and Shoto's quirks your children would be unstoppable, all you have to do is marry him, have his children and you won't have to worry about what to do after high school."

Mai laughed.
She didn't care if it was disrespectful, she just laughed.
"W-what does Shoto think of this?"
She asked shaking her head, still chuckling.

"He doesn't know but he'll do what I ask of him."

Mai stopped laughing.
"Well I'll have to pass for several reasons.
One, Shoto should know about this.
Two, this whole situation is just weird
And three, even if I did say yes I won't be able to hold up my end of the deal.
You ever heard of a hysterectomy?"
She crossed her arms.

He raised his eye brows.

"My uterus was removed when I was twelve, so I can't have your damn grandkids."
She shrugged and turned around.

"What a waste..."
She heard Endeavor say as she walked away.

She didn't say anything to that, she didn't care what he thought.

The rest of the sports festival was a blur for Mai who watched uninterested as All might attempted to give Bakugou the first place medal.

'Bakugou and his pride...'
Mai thought shaking her head
'He's in for a rude awakening isn't he? And I might be the cause.'
She smiled, not minding the thought of knocking him down from his pedestal.

She walked with Momo and Tsuyu to the classroom where they were told to wait for Aizawa.
Mai sat down minding her own business until a certain ash blonde approached her.

"Get up."
He demanded.

She looked up lazily at him, not moving.
"What was that?"

"Get the fuck up."
He said grabbing her arm.

She looked at his arm, fighting the urge to break it in half.
"Why would I do that?"

The rest of the class had turned to look at them by now.

"Because your gonna fight me."

She raised an eyebrow.

"To show everyone else that you are just as much as a loser as they are."

"Woah dude! Hasn't there been enough fighting today?!"
Kirishima interrupted.

"What makes you think I'll lose?"
She asked ignoring Kirishima.

"Because I know you, I know that you're nothing more the that scared little girl you used to be."
He smirked and so did she.

"Okay then fine."
She stood up.
"Let's do this."

'How much can I hurt him without getting in trouble?'
She asked herself.

"Stop! Mai you don't need to do this!"
Midoriya pleaded jumping infront of her.

"Don't worry, no one will get to hurt."
She said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Midoriya is right! We shouldn't do this! What if someone finds out?"
Momo said trying to reason with the two students walking out of the room.

"We'll call it training."
Mai said shrugging and practically skipping out of the room.

The rest of the class followed them whispering to each other.
Mai of course could hear them all.
All of their doubts and all of their fears.

But it only encouraged her.
'It's time to show them just how far ahead you are.'
She thought to herself smugly.

Bakugou was fast, but she was faster.

Bakugou was strong, but she was stronger.

Bakugou had training, and she had five years of experience.

This wouldn't be hard at all.

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