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He yelled.

"Aw it's that guy again?"
Kaminari pouted.

"Calm down dude!! Stop yelling."
Kirishima said trying to keep peace.
People from other tables were starting to look over, this included the table Monoma had just been sitting at.
A girl with red hair walked over to him with an annoyed look.
"Monoma we asked you to get napkins!! Not to terrorize class 1a!!"
She scolded like an older sister.

"Yeah man! And for your information we didn't fight robots, we fought the teachers, and Mai fought All might and won, that's how she got hurt."
Kaminari said, tired of Monoma's bullshit.
"If you're the better class than how come our class had a harder test huh?"

Monoma and Kendo's eyes widened.
As did everyone else's.
Not only did class one A fight the teachers but the new student fought against all might.
And won.
Nezu's plan was working, he was changing every students view of Mai in directly.

"And this is why I was trying to sneak back to recovery girl's office."
Mai grumbled shoving food in her mouth.
"Nothing good comes from eating in the cafeteria."
She said to herself shoving more food into her mouth, hoping to be able to leave soon.

Sero whispered giving Denki a high five.
Because for once in his life Monoma was completely speechless.

"Monoma stop bothering people.
And hey, congratulations Rika! on passing!"
Kendo said.
The sweet girl looked at Mai with a genuine smile.
"And I can't wait to see you at the training camp this summer!"

Mai looked up at her.
Though her face held no smile Kendo knew she was also genuine.
Mai never smiled, except for smirking now and then but that wasn't exactly the same thing.
It would be more intemadating than friendly.
She could never master it because it showed off her fangs in a slightly threatening way, plus smiling was pointless.
"I'll see you then."


Mai walked from the tree line with a tired Toru slung over her shoulders.
The invisible girl had forced Mai to carry her dead weight when the camp grounds was in sight.

Of course that was after Aizawa, the teacher that was supposed to teach and protect the students of UA threw them off a cliff into a forest infested with rock monsters.

"Mai you're my hero-"
Toru yawned while Mai carried her a few steps farther before dumping her on the ground.
"You can walk from here."

"Hey! Come on Mai I'm tired!!"
The girl whined.

"So I'm I, it won't kill you."
Mai stated walking forward tired of this bullshit, and life in general.
Toru grabbed her leg.
"Nooooo you're not! You're fine!"

Mai bent down.
"Ask Ojiro to carry you if it's such a problem."
She whispered.
The invisible girl gasped and turned to look at the boy behind her.
Mai used this moment to make her escape.
She walked swiftly away from Toru as she desperately called out to the teenage boy.

Mai frowned over at the furries and their small child.
The blonde cat woman giggled and fawned over how strong Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida and Bakugou were.

Mai yawned and looked around unsure what she should be doing.
Her hearing told her class 1B was inside probably eating.
Class 1A soon joined them in eating a well made meal, though not good enough to compare to lunch rush's food it tasted delicious to the very hungry kids.
The students scarfed it down as though they hadn't eaten in months.
Even Mai ate more than usual, stocking up on nessisary energy before training tomorrow.

"So what kinda hardcore training do you think they'll put us through?!"
Kirishima asked punching his own hand with a smirk.

"Man I don't even want to think of that right now! I'm already so tired..."
Denki responded with a whimper, fearing the days to come.

Mai frowned.
What training would they put her through? What exactly did she need help with?
'I probably need to work on stealth, or maybe they'll teach me rescuing strategies...'
The girl thought while taking small bites of her sauce covered vegetables.
She didn't like them.
But she already finished her meat and she knew throwing or giving away any food would probably be disrespectful to her hosts.

She sighed and sat back listening to the conversations around her.
Most from 1a were complaining about exhaustion.
But some like her own table talked about the challenges yet to come.

After finally finishing the vegetables she disliked Mai stood up and put her tray up with the others, then headed to the room she shared with the girls.
With all the girls.
Every girl from each class shared a room with several bunk beds.
The idea scared the shit outta Mai, the traumatized girl who has a nightmare almost every night and likely talks in her sleep.

She shook her head trying to expell those thoughts from her head.
She'll figure that out later.
When she entered the room she saw the red head girl Kendo, she was going through a blue bag sitting on her bed.
"Oh hi Rika! Nice to see you again!"
She greeted, pulling a phone charger from the bag she was going through.

Mai responded nodding at her.
She had come in here at first to get away from people.
But she now was standing at the door like an idiot staring at Kendo.
"Do you have any idea what training is gonna be like?"
Kendo asked with a smile trying to start a friendly conversation.

Mai shook her head as she walked to her own bunk.
"No, but I think the plan is to improve our quirks individually."
She stated grabbing her own phone from her bag, acting like it was her reason for entering the room.

"Really? I wonder what they'll have me do? My quirk is only growing my hand so what could they do to improve that?"
She said mostly to herself while looking down at her hand.

"Then probably physically fighting, maybe improving your strategy or fighting style."
Mai shrugged.
She didn't know how good her fellow student was at combat, but everyone has something about them to improve.

The redhead smile at Mai.
"Yeah maybe-"

She was interrupted by a girl with vines for hair.
"Kendo! I'm so sorry for interrupting your conversation with... Her... -but Monoma is picking fights with that Bakugou boy again!"
The girl stuttered when she saw Mai.

"Egh really?! I'll handle it."
Kendo grumbled leaving the room.

"So she's your class rep huh?"
Mai inquired.
Maybe, just maybe social interaction might might help her gain a new friend.

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