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"Kirishima, getting hot chocolate poured on me is one of the least traumatic thing's that has ever happened in my life."
Mai assured the worried boy.
He was thoroughly examining her cheek, Tilting her head to get a better look at the completely healed skin.

"She's got a point! Now Mai I know you wouldn't tell Bakugou, but... I swear I won't kill whoever did this if you tell me what she looked like!"
Mina said with a smile and a wink.
"I just wanna talk!"
She lied.

"Mina, no. I'm fine."
Mai rolled her eyes grabbing Kirishima's hands and pulling them from her face. Giving him a look. He frowned until he realized that they were holding hands.

"Did it hurt?"
Sero asked poking her cheek only to be immediately swatted away.

"Yes of course it did but I've had worse."
She glared at him and stood up from the bed in recovery girl's office. She wasn't sure if her friends out right just left class or if they were allowed to be here, either way they should be in class.

"Mai dear, sit down and eat your cookie. You hooligans stop bothering her!"
Recovery girl frowned at them, their intrusion irritated the poor old woman who was just trying to do her job without interruption.
"You're lucky it didn't get in your eyes, it could have blinded you dear."

"Yeah well I closed it when I saw the stuff coming so I can see fine."
She said after sitting down and obediently taking a bite of her snicker doodle.

"Hot Chocolate yay~"
Denki said giggling with a thumbs up only to shriek as Recovery girl lifted her hand to smack him. He stumbled over the bed and tried to hide behind Mai.

He wasn't fully in the right mind currently, he still was acting even stupider than usual thanks to Bakugou, who was playing subway surfers in the corner his usual peeved expression still displayed on his face.

Denki tripped over nothing and fell off the bed effectively landing on his ass but still managed to stay away from Recovery girl.
He whispered in quiet victory from his spot on the floor.

"You kiddos get outta my hair and go back to class you have training after school."
Recovery girl commanded.
The students nodded and filed out of the nurses office Mai got off the bed and grabbed Denki's arm and pulled the stumbling braindead Pikachu out the door behind the rest of the students.


"Ultimate moves?"
Mai asked all might with arms crossed ignoring the chaos her fellow students were causing.
Rocks were flying everywhere and ectoplasmim's clones were being destroyed left and right.

"Yes! a powerful technique that is used when a hero uses their quirk to turn the tide of a battle in their favor."
He explained randomly glancing at a book in his right hand labelled 'even dummies can be teachers'

Okay Mai could do that.
Technically she had ultimate moves in the arena, but the definition of 'winning the fight' changed since then.
So adjust them so that she doesn't kill her opponent when using them. Easy enough.
"Okay but do I have to yell it out when I do it? It sounds kinda Corny."
She asked tilted her head.

All might frowned and shuffled.
"No... But it's not corny..."
He mumbled slightly embarrassed while walking away.

Mai shrugged and looked around, she didn't know exactly where to start. Technically she could copy anything Midoriya was doing because of their similar quirks but that would be cheating.
Plus he's just kicking stuff.
Mai looked away and got to work. She had a lot of moves she'd used in her past but they couldn't be used as a hero.

Mai sighed ignoring the explosions around her.
'Let's get to work then.'


Iida proudly looked at the set dining table.
It was full of delicious food that he helped make and he couldn't have been happier with the result.
Students came in one by one and looked over the food in excitement, praising him and his helpers over their job well done.

"Woah! Those egg rolls look super delicious!!!"
Sero yelled leaning forward Kaminari right behind him.

"Uraraka made them! You should thank her and everyone else for the meal."
Iida said with a laugh.

Kaminari said putting two rolls on a plate.
Sero nodded and grabbed the full tray instead of the plate and booked it to the elevator.

"Sero!! Get back here you heathen!!
Iida called out as Denki slowly made his way to the fried rice using his friend as a distraction.
He grabbed at it the same time Jirou did.

"You and Sero don't need twenty servings of rice."
She said holding onto the bowl for dear life.
Kaminari leaned forward.
"Yeah but us, Bakugou and Mina are going up to Mai's room to watch highschool musical three because she hasn't watched it and eating with everyone else makes her uncomfortable so we have to make sure she doesn't accidentally starve herself!"
He whispered slightly only slightly over sharing, glancing over to make sure Iida was still busy.
He had just disappeared up the stairs searching for Sero.

Jirou and Kaminari started at each other for an uncomfortable minute before she leaned back.
"Was not getting plates part of your genius plan?"
She asked standing up before collecting all of the nessisary utensils.

"What are you doing?"
Uraraka asked tilting her head at the two walking over to the table with a handful of napkins.

Jirou shrugged.
"Going to go eat."
She answered running to the elevator with Kaminari trailing behind her.

She and Mai weren't close, she wasn't close with Uraraka either.
But even she always noticed the tension between the two.

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