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The silence was deafening and the air was thick with tension. everyone had to be careful, one wrong move and the tension would snap and everyone would blow up.
Mai would cry without a doubt and that wouldn't be good, she had a reputation to up hold after all.

Other students would have mental breakdowns and scream hysterically. Others might run through the door, or out the window while praying they live.

So in order to keep the entire classroom from snapping, Mai didn't say a word, trying her best to avoid the gaze of everyone in the room, but her eyes were pulled to emerald green  like a magnetic force.

Until they moved away.
Izuku Midoriya turned away and looked at his desk, his eyes showed multiple emotions but one was obvious

It filled the room, hearts pounded and foreheads began dripping sweat as multiple different Scenarios echoed through each student's mind.

Mai felt like she'd been stabbed. The pain in her chest was worse than any physical would she'd ever experienced.

But, Mai had an amazingly high pain tolerance and plenty of experience with tragedy.
So with her head held up and her eyes ahead, she silently went to her seat.

She sat in the back, so at least she wasn't in anyone's line of sight. But she could see all of them, she watched them shake and glace back in fear And the worst of them happened to be Uraraka, who was sitting right Beside Mai.

Both girls held their breath as they waited for something, anything to happen.

Mai thought staring straight ahead.
'This is gonna suck.'


"Yooo it's me your favorite teacher!"
Mic yelled entering the classroom with his normal pizzazz.
"An its time... To learn.. English!!"
He announced with several unnecessary dramatic pauses. He pointed a finger gun at Mai.
"Hey Mai! Go head to study room 3! Babble is waiting!"

He said, finally releasing Mai from this awkward hell. Mai jumped up and grabbed her bag speed walking silently out of the room.
Because of Babble's quirk Mai knew English, so she was able to use that period to continue her hellish lessons with the tutor.

Mai closed the door behind her and relaxed. The tears she'd been holding for the past two classes broke free. Mai covered her mouth and kept walking, not willing to risk being late and not comfortable standing in the hallway. A small sob escaped her hand and shook her body as the weight of everything crumbled on her.

She guessed it just now fully sunk in, everything. These past few days didn't seem real until now, now she felt crushed by the realization that her life couldn't be normal anymore. She'll never be a normal teenager.
Maybe she should have continued to cover her past with lies, hiding in her fragile sandcastle and filling in each new hole with fresh sand.

But it still would have crumbled, it may have taken years but would have happened.
So she destroyed it herself and showed what was real.

She rubbed her runny nose, tears slowing to a stop. She walked forward with puffy eyes and a red nose, strutting confidently as though she owned the place.
'Time to stop pretending.'


Mai had managed to complete a full day of school without seeing someone outside of a 1-A student. Well except one general studies girl that she passed in the hallway on her way back from Babble's class.
The girl with blue eyes and long chocolate colored hair tried to pretend like passing Mai in the hall didn't bother her whatsoever but Mai could tell by the frantic breathes she took after turning the corner that it wasn't true.

But now school was out and the halls were flooded with students. 1-a packed and left more silent than usual but erupted in quite chatter after leaving Mai behind in the classroom.
The conversations they held back wasn't even about her either.
It was everyday conversation that they didn't trust to say around her.

The fear to break the silence holding them back from saying a word.


God Mai loved her room.
The safety of the four Walls made her feel like everything was okay. No one could see her anymore and she wasn't making anyone uncomfortable.
She could hear her classmate's voices slowly build up and start acting normal, without her there bringing tension they slowly on and started acting like everything was normal.
Like Mai wasn't there.

For most at least.
Uraraka had been clinging to Midoriya as much as possible. She was drowning in the fear that if Mai snapped and killed someone, it would be her.
The girl seemed to think Mai actually gave a fuck about their 'Rivalry'.

Mai used the abundance of school work she needed as a way to keep herself busy and distracted, studying until a knock sounded at the door. Her head whipped around as she gazed at the door, trying to identify the person behind it and their intentions.
She pulled the earbuds from her head and paused her loud Russian music.

She gulped as another knock followed.
"Come in?"
She answered, mentally preparing for an emotional and/or physical attack of some sort. But the door slowly opened showing Bakugou in all of his spikey haired glory.

Neither of the teenagers said anything. Mai wished he would scream at her or something instead of trapping her in constant unending eye contact. He was holding something in his right hand, but in order to get a closer look Mai would have to break eye contact, and that showed weakness.

Eventually Bakugou's gaze shifted around her room.
"Is that a fucking Hawks plushie?"
He asked eyes now locked on the cloth collectable.

"Yeah, he gave it to me earlier."
She said turning in her chair to look at little Hawks sitting on her bed.

Bakugou grumbled tossing whatever he had been holding to her. She caught it easily eyes not moving from the toy. She slowly looked at the packaged treat in her hand. A package holding two pop tarts was clutched in her grasp. She slowly looked up a Bakugou, confused by the gesture.

"Is this poisoned?"
She asked a completely straight look stuck on her face.

Bakugou scoffed.
"Why would I waste time trying to kill you?! Stop being dramatic and eat it alright bitch!?"
He said looking down, his hair casting a shadow over his eyes.
"You didn't come down for dinner and I can't let you starve to death until I destroy you in training."
He grumbled looking up at Mai as she opened the package, still weary of this being a trick.

She said taking a bite of the strawberries flavored treat.
He rolled his eyes and turned to leave, stopping before the door was completely closed.
"You know, I meant what I said at the agency."
He said barely over a whisper before closing the door and heading to his own dorm.
It was 9:30 already after all.

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