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Yo has anyone started watching the new season?!
Cuz I have and so far it's epic.
Anyways that's all.
Please continue.

"Kill me! Please just kill me!"
Shinsou begged as and stumbled and fell after two hours of training.

Mai stated with an eyeroll, she was standing over him after beating him in a sparing round for the twentieth time.

"Please? I'm tired."
He sobbed into the grass like the drama queen he happened to be.

"We can stop for today. You did pretty good, for a wet spaghetti noodle that is."
Mai handed a water bottle down to him and he took it gladly and chugging it desperately.
Mai helped her student up and took a sip from her own bottle.

"Yes! Thank you!"
He gasped with a chuckle.
"It's getting pretty late anyways, don't you have the hero licensing exam tomorrow?"

Mai nodded and collected her few belongings.

"Lucky. I'd kill to get my hero license."
Shinsou complained.

"That might be counterproductive."
Mai pointed out with a scoff.
The two teenagers walked through the wooded areas side by side chatting like old friends.

Shinsou groaned in frustration.
"I hate General studies! It's so..."
He stopped at the paved path to the dorms.

Mai suggested Turning to her protégé with a smirk.

"More like boring, everyone there hates me."
He shook his head and waved her off.
"See you later, if you remember me after becoming the number one hero."

Mai shook her head.
"I'll never forget you my Protégé, see you after the exams tomorrow."
She waved with a smile making her way to her dorms.


Mai heard someone in her room and noted the fact that her light was on dispite the fact that Mai turned it off after she last left.
She walked up and threw open the door ready for some sort of fight.

Kirishima was standing there and his eyes flew to her, they looked worried but that emotion changed to relief when he saw Mai standing stiffly at the door to her own dorm.
He ran over and reached to give her a hug.
"Where were you? I was kinda worried when you never came back to the dorms."
He whispered.

"Sorry, I was training with the general studies student, Shinsou."
Mai explained pulling back and titling her head.
"I didn't think you'd worry."
She explained, baffled by the fact that some actually cared.

"Okay well... Tell me next time?"
He requested.
Was this pushing to much? He had been pretty worried earlier, I mean just the other day she was attacked with hot chocolate. What if someone else decided to attack her? What if multiple people decided to attack her? Sure she was strong, but she just let the other girl pour chocolate on her and didn't retaliate.
What if she just took it all because of how strong she is? That can't be good.

"Okay? I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you..."
She whispered walking to her bed.
"What to watch something?"
She asked sitting down.
Kirishima nodded frantically at the request.
She wanted to watch his corny movies with him? Is this love? Yes. Yes this is love.


There was only darkness around Mai.
Not only did it prevent her from seeing her surroundings but it also made it hard to breathe, it was suffocating and blocked all her senses. Everything was thick and fuzzy in a way she couldn't understand or explain.
She thought.

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