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"So I trust you won't stop your path to be a hero then."
Aoi said with a bright smile before checking her watch.
"Unfortunately that's all the time we have for tonight, but if you're interested in more tune in tomorrow for more exclusive interviews with Mai's principal and the hero that was her last opponent in the ring, Hawks!"

Mai gave the winged hero the side eye only to see him flashing a proud smile.

"Goodnight Japan! And I hope I'll see you again tomorrow!"
Aoi said waving signalling Mai to do the same.
The horned girl gave a nod before the camera turned off.

An unknown worker shouted as more lights flicked on, revealing several workers with red puffy faces or nervous darting eyes that refused to meet Mai's gaze.

Hawks all but flew up to Mai before he tackled her in a hug.
"You did great kid!! I'm so proud of you! I'mma get you some ice cream! And Aoi.."
He turned to the other woman as she stood up and fixed your hair.
"Thank you so much! I owe you one."
He said hugging the woman, the action received an eye roll from Mai and a few other people in the studio.

"Of course honey anything for you! And Mai you were just a delight! You know that? I know you'll go far! It won't be easy but you can do it!"
She hugged the smaller girl dispite the look she was given.

"And Hawks I can't wait to see you tomorrow night!!"
She said as a few different workers walked up and ushered her to the side to talk about God knows what.

"You ready to head out kiddo?"
He asked making his way to the door.
"Let's stop at McDonald's! I want a ten piece chicken nugget meal!"
He said practically skipping.

Mai scoffed and walked after the child she was now tasked with babysitting.


After entering the house Mai was pulled into another hug. Fuyumi approached at a speed that Mai didn't expect and tackled her at a force that almost strong enough to knock Mai's ice cream sundae from her hand.

"You did so great! I'm proud so of you, if it were me I would have frozen up immediately, But you are so brave!"
The girl pulled back and looked at Mai.
"Come on let's get you changed! I'll get some makeup wipes to, ugh you look so pretty! But you need sleep and you could break out if you don't take it off!"
The older more experienced woman drug the emotionally drained younger girl down the halls of the large house.


"I still don't trust her."
The sound of Natsuo quietly arguing with his sister couldn't be heard by the normal human ear from anywhere outside the kitchen.

But dispite that and the fact that it was almost two in the morning, Mai walked down the halls. Her original destination was the bathroom next to the kitchen the two siblings were arguing in but that changed when she started listening.

"Why not Natsuo?! She a good kid that's been through a lot and-"

"And she's freinds with our dad! Our dad, Fuyumi. No 'good kid' would be friends with a bastard like him! And not to mention the fact that she's a literal murderer!"
He hissed voice raising slightly.

Mai didn't know how this conversation started and she was more concerned about the cookies on the counter behind Natsuo.
Her currently empty stomach was willing to walk through fire or even awkward conversations to have one or two of the precious treats.

"Do we have to talk about this now? It's two in the morning!"
Fuyumi reasoned looking at the clock behind her brother.

"Yeah! we can wait until our dad and the murderer is awake and have this conversation again."
He scoffed.
Natsuo had a lot of pent-up anger didn't he?
And right now he was taking out his frustration with their new roommate on his sister.

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