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Iida's footsteps echoed through the tunnel as he pushed himself to get back to the bus. Every step was strengthened by his engines. His legs burned but he ignored it. He had to make it to Mai.

And he did, he arrived gasping.
The only source of light was the bus, it's interior lights were still illuminating the cave through the windows and it revealed the red scene infront of Iida.
There was blood everywhere and fortunately the corpses of three slaughtered Nomu sat motionless on the ground. He looked for Mai but when his eyes finally landed on her he realized just how dire this situation was.

She was slumped against a wall of ice and covered in blood. He couldn't make out Her eyes because of the gash across them. He ran her, briefly slipping on what was either a soft rock or a Nomu heart but he easily regained his balance.
"Rika! Rika it will be alright can you hear me?"
He called bending by her. Her reached forward and checked her pulse terrified about what he might, or rather might not find.
But it was there, her heart was weakly beating and she was taking slow and weak breaths.
But she was alive.

He bent down and wrapped his arms around her. She let out a pained groan that told him she was probably still semi Conscious.
"I'm sorry! But I'm going to get you out of here! I swear you'll be fine!"
He assured her. Another job of a hero is reassuring the civilians you rescue.
He just learned that earlier today.

He ran as fast as he could.
Mai's body thumping against his chest and her broken leg flopping around in the air. It was difficult to carry her. Her wings were out but a few bones in them were broken, her body was completely limp and if she was awake she didn't seem to have enough strength to help him anyway. But that was alright, rescuing people was his future job, it's what he's been training for.
He can save Mai Rika.
Everything was going to be fine.

But he couldn't hide the panic in his voice when he saw the light at the end of the tunnel.
He screamed as he got closer to the end of the tunnel. Mai was losing a lot of blood, too much blood.
He commanded finally running into the sunlight.

The students turned and saw Mai's limp body held by Iida, the boy was panicked but clearly determined. They had just called 119 for an ambulance and then Mr Aizawa, who was relieved to hear from them.

Iida set Mai down and Momo went to work.
She handed out bandages and Kirishima, Jirou and Tsu grabbed them immediately.
Kirishima bent down and gently wrapped her head, he couldn't take his eyes off of the crushed and bleeding area over her eyes.
The white bandages immediately soaked through and Kirishima clinched his jaw.

Head injuries always bled like crazy and this gash was serious. They needed that ambulance and they needed it now.
"You're okay."
He whispered pulling her sticky matted hair away from the injury.

Midoriya ran and stumbled over, falling and landing next to Mai.
"Watch it!"
Kirishima snapped as he landed a foot too close to her body. The last thing they needed was for her to get hurt even more from Midoriya's clumsiness.

"Mai I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! You're gonna be fine! Please be fine."
He begged breathing heavily.
Her head was on Kirishima's lap and he was the first to notice something horrible.

"Oh god her heart. Guys I can't feel her pulse!"
Kirishima screamed looking around. panic rose into the student's chests and they frantically thought for anything they could do.
Kaminari shoved through the crowd of students and dropped to his knees.
"Let go of her."

He said Kirishima shook his head in confusion.

He said placing his hands over her heart. The air around him felt dense and static crackled through the air.

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