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I find myself sprinting through a dense forest, the darkness swallowing me with each frantic step. A chilling wind whispers through the trees, carrying the echoes of my panicked breaths.

I can hear the ominous sound of footsteps, heavy and relentless, as they close in on me. Despite my desperate attempts to outrun my pursuer, the elusive figure seems to draw closer with every passing moment, a shadowy presence lurking just beyond my line of sight.

With each stride, the branches scratch at my pale skin, and my heart pounds in my chest like a drum heralding doom. Suddenly, I stumble upon a dead end, the gnarled roots of a tree blocking my path. A cold dread grips me as I turn to face the approaching menace, my eyes widening in terror.

I watch as the figure emerges from the swirling shadows, a golf club gripped tightly in its hand, a glint of malice dancing in its eyes.

The figure raises the golf club heavenward, poised to strike with chilling determination. And as it lowers the weapon the last thing see is its metallic gleam in the moonlight.

Beep beep, beep beep, beep beep. I jolt awake with a gasp, my body drenched in cold sweat. Breathing heavily, I clutch my racing heart, my wide eyes darting around the familiar contours of my room, seeking solace in the comforting embrace of reality.

Beep beep, beep- I smash my fist over the alarm, halting its incessant beeping. Although for once I was happy to hear the irksome noise.

The curtains billow with the morning gale and a yawn escapes my mouth. I take my glasses off the nightstand and wipe the lenses with the hem of my shirt.

This nightmare had to be the ghastliest out of all. The most pragmatic. But it's odd, isn't it? Being chased down by an elusive shadowy figure, just to see it holding a golf club. Not a chainsaw or a knife or even the mother of all horrid weapons— an axe.

It was just an ordinary and reassuring golf club.

Which makes it clear to me that these nightmares are the aftermath of my childhood traumas. It's not fun being as young as seven and watching your biological mother beat down on you with a golf club with every slight mistake you make. I just can't get that acrid taste out of my mouth.

My father could have prevented all this but God knows where he is after my mum sent him packing. I cried almost every night after he left because he was a good parent. The one that told me bedtime stories and took me on fishing trips once in a while. But he was also the one who was never around, always at work. This job that I knew nothing about.

But besides that, I miss him. Although he rarely ever comes to my mind anymore. He never left any souvenirs for me to remember him with. He's just a man that has now faded into my past. Which is why I sometimes feel my life would have been better if my mum just didn't exist. I would have preferred having just a nice dad instead of a cruel mum. Too harsh?

She eventually moved out of the house and decided it would be better for her to work in London. I loved that idea because I hated being anywhere near her. It's not like she abandoned me completely. I was left alone with a money-obsessed nanny in her mid-twenties and my mum sent a generous amount of money twice a week. "Cas! It's time for breakfast!" Margo hollers from downstairs.

I sigh and slide off my bed, digging my feet into my bunny slippers and walking to the bathroom. I glance at the mirror, grimacing at my lifelessly pale skin. I should try eating more.

It takes me thirty minutes to shower and dress up for school— A plain peach shirt and jeans.

I descend the stairs and walk into the dining room, meeting Margo with a cigar tucked between her lips. She takes it out, releasing a puff of smoke before going to open the windows.

"You're eroding your bones," I sigh.

She rolls her greenish-brown eyes as she sets the forks on the table. "I'll be out today," she tells me. "You're out every day... but where to this time?"

"Me and my friends are heading to a gabfest in town." I nod and cut out of my pancake.

She glances at me, squinting her eyes. "What happened there?" I brush my fingers over my face and come across the small swelling around my eye.

"Nothing," I reply. She shrugs it off and takes a seat across me. "Your mum called me this morning... she asked about you... again. She said it's been a while since she got to speak to you."

I nod. "Too bad for her."

She lowers the ridge of her brow, cocking her head to the side. "Maybe you should try-"

"Thanks for the food, I should get going." I stand and pick up my bag. "See you later," I say, exiting the house. I'm least in the mood for her nugatory advice. Today's the last day of school, let's get it over with. I step off the porch and onto the cracked pavement, releasing a breath and taking a good look around.

Moorwood. There's no laughter in the air here. Instead, a haunting stillness lingers. The weathered, beige stucco houses lined down the cobblestone path, give off an uncanny vibe, like each inhabitant has a secret being held unto. Nature has reclaimed parts of the streets, with vines crawling up the fences and weeds sprouting through the cracks in the pavement.

I rarely see anyone coming out unless it's to pick up the mail or take out the trash, other than that, hop on a bike and ride off.

It's a poorly populated town due to the high rate of crimes and murders around. But I prefer it to the big city life, it's so hectic.

As I walk past my neighbor's house, I notice she's staring at me from her window. Gaia Paignton— dark skin, luster black hair, and chestnut eyes. I don't like her one bit. She's pathologically weird. "Hey Cassi!" she yells from her window. "You'd better not go to school today or bad things will happen!" What the hell is she talking about? That was just too random for me to believe she's being crazy.

I would have loved to miss one dreadful day in Moorwood High but unfortunately for me, I have a perfect attendance record. So I ignore her and walk by.

"Don't say I didn't warn ya!" she adds before drawing her curtains closed. I roll my eyes. I don't even speak to her.

A squall blows past me and the sky melts into an ominous dark grey. Signs that something bad is about to happen? Nevertheless, I keep walking.

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