10|Who invited you?

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'Hey, you've been invited to Jack's party' the first words that popped into my head when I woke up this morning. Gaia told me I would be a fool not to attend as it could make drastic changes to my reputation considering anyone and everyone that's popular is going to be there. Which is exactly why I don't want to go. I would have no one to talk to and everyone would look at me weird. What should I do?

But Jack is crazy! How do you just randomly invite someone you don't even know to your party. Or maybe it's a hoax! Maybe someone just texted me that so I could arrive at the party and embarrass myself seeing that Jack never invited me in the first place. Yes that's exactly what happened! I'm staying home tomorrow night.

I gnaw at the remnants of the blueberry muffin stuck to the wrapper, nearly eating a mouthful of foil. Wow I eat like an animal. I'm really not focusing on this whole Ace situation and winter is already here. How does he expect me to track down a killer in 20 days? I might have to interrogate him again for more leads. I toss the wrapper in the waste bin and hop off the counter, ambling into the living room and falling into the couch.

I'm not going.

Gaia can say whatever she wants, but I have no reason to be at that party. Wait a minute. I actually do have a reason to be at the party. To ask Jack about Ace. It's either now or I wait 'till next semester and that's next year.

I let out a long groan, throwing my head against the couch. I'll just watch a movie first. I pick up the remote and turn on the TV.

Before I know it, I'm in the middle of a Jurassic Park movie marathon with sore eyes and a throbbing head. There's nothing fun about watching people get eaten and jump scares from dinosaurs, but I'm glued to it for some reason.

I glance at the clock. 7:12. My eyes fling open and scramble to my feet. There's no way I spent the entire day couch-rotting. The party is supposed to start by 8 and I haven't even showered. I make a beeline up the stairs and barge into Margo's room.

She turns to me with an annoyed expression, holding her phone to her chest. "Can't you knock?"

"I'm sorry I just... I need help getting ready for a party," I explain. She lifts her brows in shock. "Did you say 'party?'" she questions.

"Well yeah, I-"

"Sorry Gabby, just tell your mum to dissolve the shoes in acid, I'll speak to you later," she says into the phone before ending the call. "Now then," she begins, a grin spreading across her face. "Where shall we start?"


I stand outside the frat house with heels higher than my standards. The dress I have on is sparkly, grey, and decorated in sequins but it's more like underwear, stopping right underneath my butt. It has an open back and the only thing holding it up is the part buttoned around my neck. I wasn't comfortable going braless so she offered me a white furry jacket to wear over it. "Make sure you kiss someone," she yells before zooming off with the car.

Yeah, right.

The front lawn is bustling with activity as party-goers spill out from the house, creating a lively atmosphere. String lights are strung across the trees, casting a warm glow over the gathering space and creating a festive ambiance.

The faint scent of grilled food lingers in the air, suggesting that a cookout or barbecue is taking place nearby. The sound of laughter, chatter, and music fills the space, creating a lively symphony of excitement. Groups of people are scattered around the yard, forming clusters of conversation and friendly camaraderie. I don't belong here. I tighten my grip on my purse and take slow steps toward the house, my gaze firmly on the ground not wanting to make eye contact with anyone that could recognize me.

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