28|Let go of your worries

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I've done nothing but stare at the ceiling all day. Ever since my mum left, it's like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I have my freedom back but now I remember I never actually used it. For some reason, when she was around, my life became so hectic.

I wonder where she went or if she's ever going to come back. It's not like I want her to, but it would be nice to know she's okay. What even gave her the idea to come here in the first place? Our relationship was much more sustainable when she was far away from me. I guess beating me to a pulp is a part of her that won't ever go away.

And I might never know why.

The question now is how are Margo and I going to take care of ourselves? My mum was our only source of income. A part-time job here probably won't be enough to manage an entire household. Margo would probably find another job as a nanny and I would be all alone. It's pretty scary when I think about it.

Speaking of Margo she descends the stairs, her eyes on her phone screen. "Hey Cas, your mum just sent the weekly allowance."

I sit up straight and turn to her. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'm a bit shocked too," she says. "I wasn't expecting her to keep us in mind after everything I said before she left."

I heave a sigh of relief. "I'm so happy to hear that. I was considering a part-time job already."

"The Starbucks around the corner pays pretty well, I would have probably considered taking that one," she replies.

"You mean you wouldn't have left?" I question.

"C'mon Cas you should see me as more than a nanny because I see you as more than a random kid I'm temporarily babysitting. You're like my little sister and I would never walk away from you like that," she smiles. "Besides, there's no other place that would accept me as a nanny... I've misplaced kids, Cas."

She takes her coat off the rack beside the door, slipping it on. "I'm heading out... maybe you can do another sleepover with Gaia, you guys are close now."

"Yeah... we are." I hated Gaia once. That must have been a really long time ago 'cause I couldn't bring myself to do such a thing now. She's an amazing person, but I doubt she's letting me into her house for a sleepover after I turned Jack down.

But I feel a bit lucky today.


"No, go away." She slams the door in my face. "You know exactly where you should be Marie," I hear, faintly from the other side of the door.

I guess I should go back home now. I step off her porch and saunter to my house, turning the door knob.

It's locked.

I bend over and lift the carpet. The key isn't here either. Ugh, Margo always does this. Why the hell does she always accidentally take the key along? It's like she knows exactly what she's doing.

Well, this time I'm not going to a motel. And it seems Gaia won't let me in. Am I really about to walk to Jack's house in nothing but my pajamas? And the forest isn't a pleasant place to be at night. Especially when you're being stalked.

Well, it seems I have no choice.

I begin my journey, feeling slightly less scared because Ace is probably on the lookout. What if he's not?

"Ace, you're here right?" I ask, my voice echoing through the silence. The streetlights do an abnormal flicker. Either that's his reply or I'm screwed. Nevertheless, I keep walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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