7|Go back to London!

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I open my eyes to find myself lying on hard concrete. What happened? Slowly, I get to my feet and look around. I can recognize this place as somewhere in Moorwood but I can't pinpoint the exact location. Then I spot someone's leg jutting out of a bush. It kind of looks like Gaia's. I walk towards it, giving the leg a small tug and it wiggles around a bit. Gaia's head pops out of the bush. "Huh? What happened?" she slurs.

"Here let me help you," I offer and stretch out my hand to her. The moment she takes it I feel a sharp pain in my head. "Ah, my head!" I groan, accidentally letting go of her. She roughly falls back into the bush. "Really?" she sighs. "Sorry, my head just... hurts."

"It's a hangover idiot... do you not know anything about being a teen?" she asks, getting out of the bush. "I'm not used to these things and you know that," I snap.

"Alright, alright... let's get you home drama queen."

We take a quiet stroll back to our street and we part ways at her house."By the way, I never got that mafia guy's name."

"You don't need it," she states and shuts the door in my face. Geez do you have a crush on him? I'm curious to know if there's another side to that guy because as he is, I can't believe he's a ruthless mafia boss.

I stroll down the block to my house feeling on top of the world until I open the door. Standing next to Margo is the demon herself. Mrs Sian-Marie.

She spreads out her arms awaiting a hug. "Cassi, I missed you so much."

No... this can't be happening. Not here. Not now. Everything was perfect. Why did you have to come back? I can feel the traumas of my childhood rushing back in. I can't go back to living like that. "Christmas is ruined!" I yell and dart up the stairs. I walk into my room and slam the door. Okay, I know that was a bit theatrical but come on. She just had to walk into my life and ruin my momentum. I thought for once that everything was going to be fine.

A gentle knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. "Go away!" I demand and fluff on my bed. Then I grab my pillow and press it over my face releasing a muffled scream. By all means, I have to let out my frustration on something. Maybe I'll take a stick of gum and chew it as hard as I can. That should work.

"Cas... you know what you did wasn't so nice," Margo fusses through the door. "Just mind your business! You have no idea what's going on or what I've been through."

"Okay fine, just open the door."

"No! I know that person is standing next to you right now! Tell her I don't want her here! Tell her to go back to London and never come back! I was doing perfectly fine without a mother," I fume.

"Sweetheart," my mum calls out. "Okay I know I haven't been the best mother over the past years... but I want to make up for that. So I decided to use this year's Christmas as an opportunity to bury the hatchet between us. Please... I haven't spoken to you in years... I miss you."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, fine I forgive you... can you go now?"

"But I only just got here... even if it's just for a day I want to be with you once more." Oh, stop being so cheesy.

I get up and approach the door, placing my hand on the knob. I know I shouldn't do this 'cause I'm almost certain she hasn't changed. But she'll never leave until I answer her. I open the door, not bothering to make eye contact with her. "What is it?"

"Please give me a chance to redeem myself. I just want a fresh start."

"That's so easy for you to say. It's so easy for you to move on and want a fresh start because you aren't the one who was hurt. You aren't the one who cried every night after Dad left! It was me! And I'm certainly not ready to bury the hatchet. Not now, not ever!"

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