Chapter 4

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I felt empty and light. My eyes squeezed tightly as I stretched my hands to feel the warmth of the body I had cuddled up with last night.
I felt nothing just a ruffled duvet. I tapped on it about three times, stretching my hands to touch Raphael but I couldn't feel his body.

I immedately flew my eyes open and sat up straight, eyes roving around the room as if Raphael would immedately appear out of thin air.

I stared at the sheets in blank amazement then my eyes narrowed to the windows, the awe inspiring sun rays dancing in through the curtains.

"Fuck where is Raphael?" I inaudibly grumbled. I came out of the bed and went towards the curtains.
Separating them, I poked my head outside the window observing the beautiful garden behind.

"Hello italy"I murmured with a smile before withdrawing my head back.

I truly can't believe I woke up without meeting Raphael in bed. Did he go out again?
Who does this? Who goes out by eight pm, comes back by four am and wouldn't have the decency to spend the rest of the morning with his wife on bed?
"Yes. my husband" I thought to myself as I entered the bathroom.

God help Raphael if he actually went out for work. I'll definitely give him an earful once he comes back.

* * * * * * * *

"Goodmorning sister in law"Sofia greeted me immedately she spotted me coming down stairs.

The living room was as busy as I expected it. Different workers scurrying about the house, busy with their various duties.
"Goodmorning hunny"I merrily replied before pecking her lightly on the cheek.

She grinned from ear to ear which got me amused.
"Why are you giving me that quirky look?"I asked.

"Guess who is preparing breakfast today?"She cheekily asked with eyebrows going up and down.

"Who? Justin Bieber?"I asked sitting down on the sofa.

"No silly"she giggled. "Raphael is in the kitchen preparing breakfast"

Immediately I gasped and my eyes widened. So he was around.
"Are you serious? He is around?"I asked somewhat hyper.

"Yes. You look so excited"she grinned.
Ofcourse I was.
"I want to see him sofia" I immedately stood up heading for the kitchen.

Their kitchen was huge. It seemed like a dinning room. A long shiny marble kitchen counter laid in the middle, separating the broad kitchen into two parts.

Various cupboards and carved stools of different designs were littered all around. The rays of the sun gave off rainbow specks to the grey tiles of the kitchen wall as it hit them.

About six cooks were all stationed at the kitchen counter, chopping and slicing vegetables whilst Raphael, who had his back turned against me, stood near one of the induction stoves that were built into the kitchen counter.

He had an apron on and a hair net which I really found very amusing.
He was whisking eggs and cream in a bowl.
"Raphael"I called out.
He immedately turned to face me with a beam on his face.

"Bella you are awake. How was your night my love?"
I went over and wrapped my hands around his waist, pressing my head on to his chest.

"It was fine babe and yours?" I asked pulling out.
"And what are you cooking?"my eyes darting to the bowl of whisked egg and cream.

"My night was great and this"He began as he grabbed the bowl from the counter, showing it to me.
"This is frittata. It's just like omelette but garnished with meat, cheese and vegetables. I'm making it specially for you. Remember I told you I'll make it up to you. Well today I'll serve you breakfast and take you on a tour round Rome"

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